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This man was the captain of the famous HMS Endurance

Who is Earnest Shackleton? 


This is why the Vikings were not able to set up permanent residency in Canada and northern North America

What is 'because they did not have the skills needed to settle down as a society; they essentially starved to death?' 


This is the name of the first satellite dedicated solely to ocean studies

What is SEASAT?

This term describes any vessel that descends for a prolonged period of time to take measurements or gather data

What is a submersible?


These are spherical steel vessels that are lowered into the water using a cable

What are bathyspheres? 


This person piloted the first solo trip to the Mariana Trench

Who is James Cameron?

These early sailors voyaged from Morocco to Indonesia and were especially known for their textiles, spices, gold, and horses
Who are Arab and Islamic merchants? 

These are three examples of 'celestial cues' used for early voyaging

What are the stars/constellations, moon, and the sun?


This person has been to the Mariana Trench 14 separate times

Who is Victor Vescovo? 


This was the first woman to visit the Mariana Trench

Who is Kathryn Sullivan (2020)? 


These are three things (besides SCUBA/AquaLung) invented by Jacques Cousteau

What are 1) underwater cameras, 2) water-tight eyewear, and 3) shark cages? 


Scientists believe that Pacific Island voyagers originated from this located

What are the southern Solomon Islands? 


These are two of the three major advantages of Viking ships

What is 1) lightweight/easy to sail into shallow waters and 2) very fast, 3) could carry many soldiers?


These vessels extract samples of ocean sediment and rock for this purpose

What are 1) drilling ships and 2) to reconstruct climate conditions on earth over the last 65 million years? 


This sailor was killed in 1521 in the Philippines after involving himself in a local dispute between two warring tribes  

Who is Ferdinand Magellan? 


This early civilization developed the earliest techniques for voyaging and began sailing at least 4,000 years ago

Who are the Polynesians/Pacific Islanders? 


This is the definition of an isthmus

What is a narrow strip of land 1) with sea/ocean on either side, 2) that forms a connection between two larger land masses, and 3) separates two large bodies of water?


This man will go down in history as one of the world's first recorded catfish

Who is Benjamin Franklin? 


Briefly explain the major purposes for using echo-sounding versus side-scan sonar techniques

What are 1) echo-sounding is good for making maps of the ocean floor and getting info about the topography of the seafloor, 2) side-scan sonar is good for collecting high-res data of the ocean floor and allows for the discovery of shipwrecks and other major features of the seafloor?' 


This captain was able to mostly eliminate scurvy in all of his voyages 

Who is James Cook? 


On the board, put the following people/civilizations/explorers in chronological order (least recent to most recent): Darwin, Holland, Phoenicians, Aristotle

What is 1) Phoenicians, 2) Aristotle, 3) Darwin, 4) Holland? 


In your own words, briefly explain the events that occurred during the voyage of the HMS Endurance

What is '1) ship became stuck in pack ice and drifted for 10 months, 2) ship sank and the men had to camp on ice for five months, 3) Shackleton found a whaling boat and sailed his crew to the Elephant islands, 4) Shackleton then took the boat to the South Georgia Islands and was able to get them rescued; zero lives lost?' 


Explain the pros and cons of submersibles versus ROVs for oceanic research

What is 'submersibles are beneficial because they allow experts to directly observe underwater phenomena; the con is that they are extremely risky to human life. ROVs are beneficial because they do not risk any human life but can be problematic due to limited depth capabilities, indirect observation, and being lost in the open ocean?' 


In your own words, explain what fixed- and floating platforms are for

What is 'data collection stations that are tethered to the ocean floor or free-floating; they are for collecting data incrementally over long periods of time; often found in areas that are hard for humans to traverse?' 


List the vessels that carried 1) Darwin, 2) Shackleton, and 3) Cook

What are 1) HMS Beagle, 2) HMS Endurance, 3) HMS Endeavor? 
