
Define Inference.

Background knowledge and Evidence from the text.


What are the 4 parts of the RACE writing strategy?

Restate the question as a statement

Answer the Question

Cite the text

Explain how the text supports your answer


What are two question words that you find at the beginning of an inference question?

Why and How

Read this passage from page 31:

"Luisa hesitated at the park entrance, scanning the sea of strangers for red T-shirts and trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach."

What does the idiom "butterflies in her stomach," mean?

She is nervous


How would you know if a character was feeling sad or melancholy? List 3 things they might do and/or say.

List 3 things they might do and say...


What does it mean if a character is "uninterested?"

not interested in or concerned about something or someone


How many pieces of text evidence does Mrs. Rawlings expect in your answers?



Read the passage from page 155: 

"Come back, Icarus!" Daedalus shouted one last time. A feather floated down past his face. Then another. And another.

How does Daedalus feel in this moment? Provide text evidence to support your inference.

Daedalus feels sad, his son is falling from the sky. We know this because the author states that the feathers were falling from Icarus's wings.


Read this passage from page 31:

"This was her first real chance to start making some friends in this new town. She just had to get off on the right foot."

What does it mean for Luisa to "get off on the right foot?"

She wants to make a good first impression


How would a character act in a story if they were feeling happy or jubilant? List three things they might do or say.

3 things


Define "setting." As in, the setting of the story.

The time and place of a story.


What words do you need to remove from this question to make it a statement?

"How does Daedalus feel after speaking with King Minos?"

How does


Read this passage from page 34: 

"Luisa glanced around, embarrassed, but no one seemed to care that her idea had been wrong... The butterflies in her stomach seemed to be fluttering a little less as she headed toward the bakery with the others."

How is Luisa feeling in this moment? Give text evidence to support your answer.

She is feeling less nervous/anxious. We can tell this because the author states the "butterflies in her stomach were fluttering a little less."


Read the sentence:

I've been a musician for so many years, learning a new instrument is a piece of cake for me!

What does it mean for learning a new instrument to be a piece of cake?

It is easy to do


Read the passage from page 14:

Slowly, slowly, Kojo's egg money grows. After two months he saves enough money to pay his mother back. In four months he has enough to buy another hen. Now Kojo can sell five eggs a week, and he and his mother have enough to eat. 

What tone does the author create?

a. happy                                                                   b. sad                                                                     c. hopeful                                                                  d. hungry

Tell me one piece of text evidence that creates this tone.

c. hopeful

Text evidence: egg money grows, pays mother back, buys another hen, sells 5 eggs per week, they have enough to eat.


If the prefix "pre" means before, what does the word "preschool" mean?

Before school


Give me 2 sentence starters for the "C" step of your response.

According to the text

According to the author

The author states

The text states

From the reading I know


Read the passage from page 18: 

"Kojo tells the banker that he has schooling and will work hard. The banker has heard such stories before and frowns. Then Kojo tells him about the small loan and the brown hen and the egg money he has used to build his flock."

Why does Kojo tell the banker about how he built his small flock? Use text evidence to support your answer.

He needs to persuade the banker and tell him something that will Kojo stand out. I can tell because the text says the banker has heard stories of people going to school before, and then Kojo elaborates on what makes him different.


Read the sentence: 

"I hate going to the dentist, but my tooth hurts, so I'll have to bite the bullet and make an appointment today."

What does it mean to bite the bullet?

To do something unpleasant that you don't want to do


Read the passage from page 38:

The others saw it too, and together they turned and raced toward the park. When they reached the final stretch, Mr. Martucci veered off to the side, waving them on and shouting, "Go, Red Team, go!" Luisa could see the finish line beckoning up ahead. They were going to win!

What tone is created in this passage:

a. excitement                                                           b. joyful                                                                  c. melancholy                                                         d. anxious

Give one piece of text evidence to support your answer.


Mr. Martucci waving and shouting, the finish line was beckoning, they were going to win


Give an example of a simile and metaphor

One uses like or as and one doesn't


Complete this RACE response:

Daedalus feels determined after speaking with the king. According to the text, he tells the king that, "People can do anything if they think about it long and hard enough." He also just smiles and returns to his workshop.

Answers will vary, but must start with:

This shows

This proves

This explains


Read this passage from page 201: 

"Passing his neighborhood's two styles of housing- garage on the left and garage on the right- Wesley alone dreamed of more exciting forms of shelter. He had no friends, but plenty of tormentors."

Why doesn't Wesley have friends? Use text evidence to support your answer.

Wesley doesn't have friends because he doesn't fit in and doesn't want to. He chooses a hairstyle he wants instead of going along with the crowd, and doesn't like the same sports as everyone else.


Read the sentence:

"Johnny was so in the zone during his math test, that he answered every question without making a mistake". 

What does it mean to be in the zone?

To be so focused on something you are not aware of anything else


Read the passage from page 155:

He (Icarus) did not notice how close he was coming to the sun. He did not see the wax of his wings beginning to melt.

"Come back, Icarus!" Daedalus shouted one last time. A feather floated down past his face. Then another. And another.

What mood is created in this passage:

a. lighthearted                                                         b. suspenseful                                                         c. hopeful                                                                 d. determined

Give me one piece of text evidence to support your answer.


He didn't notice how close he was to the sun, he didn't notice his wings melting, Daedalus shouted, the feathers floated down
