This 1926 political dispute highlighted Canada’s growing autonomy from Britain.
What is the King-Byng Crisis?
In what year did WW1 begin?
What is 1914?
What year did the Stock Market Crash occur?
What is 1929?
This 1919 event saw thousands of workers protest for better wages and conditions.
What is the Winnipeg General Strike?
A person advocating for another's right to vote is known as:
What is suffrage?
In what year did the Statute of Westminster grant Canada control over its foreign policy?
What is 1931?
What was the immediate cause of World War I?
What is the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
Overproduction of goods, protectionist tariffs, and stock speculation were causes of what economic crisis?
What is the Great Depression?
This 1929 case is known for the Famous Five.
What is the Winnipeg General Strike?
This term describes a policy of expanding a country's power and influence.
What is imperialism?
What treaty officially ended World War I and influenced Canada’s international role?
What is the Treaty of Versailles?
This battle is considered Canada’s most significant victory in WWI.
What is the Battle of Vimy Ridge?
This economic policy banned alcohol sales and led to the rise of bootlegging.
What is prohibition?
The Governor General refusing Prime Minister King's requests to dissolve Parliament started what crisis?
What is the King-Byng Crisis?
The name of the man who begged British generals to not fight certain battles, such as Passchendaele and Somme.
Who is Arthur Currie?
This crisis showed that Britain prioritized relations with the U.S. over Canada, specifically when it comes to gold.
What is the Lynn Canal Dispute?
This law gave the Canadian government power to suspend civil rights during wartime.
What is the War Measures Act?
Which country had the most economic influence over Canada in the 1920's?
What is The United States, as Europe increased its stock rates due to pressure?
The Chinese Exclusion Act happened in which year?
What is 1923?
This 1917 law granted the right to vote to women related to someone in military service.
What is the Wartime Elections Act?
Canada’s participation in this international organization after WWI signified its growing diplomatic presence.
What is the League of Nations?
In the Conscription Crisis of 1917, the issue was between Francophones and Anglophones. Which party supported conscription and which party was against it?
English Canadians (who mostly supported it) and French Canadians (who opposed it)
Which year was the last residential school finally closed?
What is 1996?
What is 1918?
This 1931 law granted Canada full legal independence from Britain.
What is the Statue of Westminster?