Random Questions
Identify Theme
Random Questions 2
Reading Strategies
Fact or Opinion
Can a theme just be one word? 


A theme can be more than one word. It can be a statement that describes the main message of the story.


Mrs. Smith was doing a unit on healthy living with her students. All week she taught her students about eating the correct foods like fruits and vegetables. Over the weekend, some of Mrs. Smith's students were at the mall and saw her eating pizza, a milkshake, and candy. Mrs. Smith's student Molly was going to order a salad, but now decided to order junk food too. What is the theme?

A. Actions speak louder than words

B. Never eat pizza at the mall 

C. Vegetables are good for you

 Actions speak louder than words


What is a synonym for theme? 

Life lesson, Moral


When we try to figure out what the text is trying to tell us without directly telling us, what reading strategy are we using?

Making Inferences


A fact is a true statement that can be proven with evidence. 




What is a theme?

The message the author wants you to understand.


Growing up, Sally was always in the shadow of her older sister Mary. Mary always got better grades, was better at sports, and seemed to even be prettier. Sally spent a lot of time in the family's garden feeling sorry for herself. Then one day Mary needed help on a science project about plants. Due to all of her time in the garden, Sally knew a lot about plants and was able help Mary with the project. Sally was shocked that she was better at something than her sister. What is the theme?

A. Accept yourself for who you are.
B. Sports are not important
C. You can learn a lot from plants.

A. Accept yourself for who you are.


Which of the following is a theme example.

A. You will never make a shot that you don't take.

B. Cleaning is good.

C. Stealing is bad.

A. You will never make a shot that you don't take.


A summary should include...




1. the theme

2. important key details that support the theme

3. any other important details from the story


An opinion is a statement that cannot be proven by evidence. It's usually a judgement on an idea.



What is a determined meaning?

Think about the graphic organizer.

Phrase + context clues = determined meaning

A meaning you come up with based on context clues.


The Monkey and the Cookies a monkey put his hand into the jar of cookies. He grasped as many as he could possibly hold, but when he tried to pull his hand, he was prevented from doing so by the neck of the cookie jar. Unwilling to lose the cookies, and yet unable to withdraw his hand, he burst into tears and cried bitterly. What is the theme?

A. Eating cookies can be dangerous.
B. If you are greedy, you might get nothing.
C. Don't put your hand in a jar.

B. If you are greedy, you might get nothing.


What is a characteristic trait? 

Words that describe a chracters attitude, behavior, or actions.

When we come across an unfamiliar word, we use ______ to help us determine the meaning.

context clues


Drake is the best artist of all time.

Is this a FACT or OPINION?

Opinion. Not everyone will think Drake is the greatest artist ever.


What is a summary?

A paragraph that highlights the most important information in the text.


One winter, a monkey found a snake stiff and frozen. The monkey felt sorry for the snake and so he picked the snake up and held it to his chest to try to warm it. The snake was quickly revived by the warmth, and because of its instincts, bit the monkey with all its might. What is the theme?

A. Even though you have good intentions, others may not
B. Don't hold snakes close to your chest.
C. Snakes are dangerous.

A Even though you have good intentions, others may not

Name 2 characteristic traits that would describe Prudence. 

Mean, Cruel, Selfish, Bully, Viscious 


Most of America's Founding Fathers did not believe in women's SUFFRAGE. Only men could vote in the United states until 1920.

What does the word suffrage mean?

a. something that causes physical pain
b. skirts that did not cover ankles
c. the right to vote

C. the right to vote

Willingboro is a town in New Jersey.

Is this a fact or opinion?

This is a fact. 


What is different about Charlotte from Riding Freedom compared to Dominic from the Orphan of Ellis Island?

One is a girl, one is a boy.

Charlotte is protected by horses.

Dominic has no idea where he is.

Charlotte is a real person.

Ellis Island is a real place.


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Alan had very few responsibilities, but one of them was to clean his room. It did not take long, but Alan still didn't like doing it. One day Alan thought of a way to save some time. Rather than putting everything neatly back in its place, he decided to just throw all the stuff on the floor into his closet. His mom would think that he had cleaned his room, and it would only take a fraction of the time. Alan was pleased with himself for thinking of this brilliant idea. He figured that this would save a lot of time and energy. The next time his room got messy, he piled everything up in the closet and the pile grew. It grew and grew. Then Alan's friend Steve called. "Alan, everyone is playing baseball at the park. Do you want to play too?" Alan loved baseball. "That sounds great, Steve. I'll be right there." Alan went to grab his baseball mitt when he realized that it wasn't in its usual place. Alan thought to himself, I guess it's in the closet. When he opened up the closet door, he was faced with a huge, unnavigable mess, some of which poured out as he opened the door. Alan began digging through the pile in a frantic attempt to find his mitt. He dug and dug, and as he dug his room got messier and messier. Soon his room was the messiest that it had ever been, and he still hadn't found his mitt. Alan sighed in despair. By the time he found his mitt, the boys had long concluded their game and Alan had hours of cleaning ahead of him before he'd be allowed to leave. What is the theme?
a. Cutting corners comes at a cost; do things right the first time.
b. Take shortcuts in life.
c. Do things right the first time to enjoy your friends and family.

a. Cutting corners comes at a cost; do things right the first time.

Compare Prudence from Don't Call Me Pruneface! to Raymond from Angel Child, Dragon Child.

They both tease another character.

They are both mean.

They are both hurtful.

They both become nicer at the end.


The librarian asked the students to be silent in the library because they were getting too loud.

What is a synynom of silent?

quiet, peaceful, hushed, still


Which one of these is a fact and which one is an opinion?

1. Justin Bieber makes the best songs in the world.

2. Justin Bieber is from Canada. 

1. Opinion

2. Fact
