Figurative Language

"In 'The Creation of Earth, Sky, Animals, and Man,' the earth is described as 'growing like a green flower under the sky.'"

Question: What type of figurative language is used in this line?
A. Metaphor
B. Simile
C. Personification
D. Hyperbole

B. Simile


"Voices of the Ancestors: African Myth"

Question: In the myth, the creation of animals with unique purposes emphasizes the theme of:
A. Chaos in the natural world
B. The balance and purpose of creation
C. Superiority of humans over animals
D. Randomness in the universe

B. The balance and purpose of creation


"Voices of the Ancestors: African Myth"
Question: What can you infer about the culture that created "The Creation of Earth, Sky, Animals, and Man" based on the roles given to animals and humans?

A. They believed humans had no connection to nature
B. They valued the harmony and balance in all living things
C. They saw animals as more important than humans
D. They believed the earth was ruled by animals

B. They valued the harmony and balance in all living things


Correct this sentence: "Me and her went to the park."

"She and I went to the park."


"Voices of the Ancestors: African Myth"
Question: In "The Creation of Earth, Sky, Animals, and Man," the story is told from a third-person omniscient point of view. What does third-person omniscient mean?

A. The narrator is a character in the story
B. The narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all characters
C. The narrator only knows the thoughts of one character
D. The narrator is outside the story but doesn’t know any thoughts

B. The narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all characters


Question: In "The Creation of Earth, Sky, Animals, and Man," the sky is described as "the protective blanket over the earth." 

What type of figurative language is used here?
A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Personification
D. Hyperbole

B. Metaphor


"The Burro and the Fox"
Question: What is the main theme of "The Burro and the Fox"?

A. Strength is always superior to cunning
B. Cunning and deception often lead to downfall
C. Trust is always rewarded
D. Bravery leads to success

B. Cunning and deception often lead to downfall


"Bad Boy"
Question: In "Bad Boy," what can you infer about Walter Dean Myers’ relationship with books based on his description of them as his "sanctuary"?

A. He loved books but didn’t need them for comfort
B. He found comfort and escape in books
C. He saw books as a waste of time
D. He used books to manipulate others

B. He found comfort and escape in books


What is the correct punctuation for this dialogue: "I don’t know said Jamie I think I’ll stay home."

"I don’t know," said Jamie. "I think I’ll stay home."


What point of view is used when the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of only one character?

Third-person limited.


"The Burro and the Fox"
Question: The burro is described as being "as slow as molasses." 

What type of figurative language is this?
A. Metaphor
B. Simile
C. Alliteration
D. Personification

B. Simile


Question: What theme does the myth "Phaethon" emphasize?

A. The dangers of pride and recklessness
B. The importance of trust and honesty
C. Loyalty between family members
D. The power of forgiveness

A. The dangers of pride and recklessness


"In 'The Road Not Taken,' the speaker says, 'I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence.'"

Question: What can you infer about the speaker’s feelings toward the choice he made?

He may feel regret or wonder about the path he did not take.


"The Burro and the Fox"
Question: Choose the correct version of the sentence: "The burro and fox was walking together."

A. "The burro and fox were walking together."
B. "The burro and fox was walked together."
C. "The burro and fox are walking together."
D. "The burro and fox is walking together."

A. "The burro and fox were walking together."


Question: The myth "Phaethon" is told from a third-person omniscient point of view. How does this perspective affect the reader’s understanding of the myth?

A. The reader is only limited to Phaethon’s thoughts and feelings
B. The reader gains insight into multiple characters, including Phaethon and his father
C. The reader does not understand the gods' motivations
D. The reader only sees the story through the eyes of the sun god

B. The reader gains insight into multiple characters, including Phaethon and his father


Question: In "Phaethon," the sun is compared to a "chariot of fire." 

What type of figurative language is this?
A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Personification
D. Hyperbole

B. Metaphor


"In 'Choices' by Nikki Giovanni, the speaker discusses making the best out of situations where choices are limited."

Question: What theme does this poem express about decision-making?

The theme of resilience and making the best out of difficult circumstances.


Question: In the poem "Choices," the speaker says, "I can choose to be sad, but I choose to be happy." What can you infer about the speaker’s attitude?

A. The speaker feels powerless over emotions
B. The speaker believes in personal empowerment
C. The speaker avoids difficult choices
D. The speaker believes happiness is impossible

B. The speaker believes in personal empowerment


Question: Fix the punctuation in this sentence: 

"The earth was formed, the sky was placed above and the animals roamed below."

"The earth was formed, the sky was placed above, and the animals roamed below."


"In 'The Creation of Earth, Sky, Animals, and Man,' the narrator knows the intentions and actions of all the gods."

Question: What is the effect of using a third-person omniscient point of view in this myth?

It provides a complete understanding of the gods’ motives and the creation process, giving the reader a broad perspective on the events.


"In 'Arachne,' Arachne’s talent is described as 'weaving the finest threads as though they were strands of light.'"

Question: What type of figurative language is this?



"Phaethon’s decision to drive the chariot leads to disastrous consequences."

Question: What is the main theme of this myth?

The theme of pride and recklessness leading to one’s downfall.


"The gods give humans the ability to control fire in the myth."

Question: What can you infer about the symbolic meaning of fire in this context?

Fire likely symbolizes knowledge, power, or the advancement of civilization.


"Bad Boy"
Question: Choose the correct punctuation for this sentence: "Walter said I don’t know if I can do it."

A. "Walter said I don’t know if I can do it!"
B. "Walter said, 'I don’t know if I can do it.'"
C. "Walter, said I don’t know if I can do it."
D. "Walter said I don’t know if, I can do it."

B. "Walter said, 'I don’t know if I can do it.'"


"The Scholarship Jacket"
Question: "The Scholarship Jacket" is told from the first-person point of view of Martha. How does this perspective affect the reader’s understanding of the story?

A. The reader gains insight into all the characters' thoughts
B. The reader only understands Martha’s thoughts and feelings
C. The reader does not know what Martha thinks or feels
D. The story is told from the perspective of Martha’s teachers

B. The reader only understands Martha’s thoughts and feelings
