This theory states that great leaders are born, not made
What is Great Man Theory
Your Leadership (Law of the Lid)
People follow you because of what you've done for the organization
What is Production/Level of Results
Coaching/Selling or Delegating/Observing
Empowering employees who have high ability and high motivation
S4 - Delegating/Observing
He created the Hierarchy of Needs
This theory measures leaders not by who they are, but by what they do
What is Behavioral Theory
Name 5 myths of leadership
Management, Entrepreneurship, Knowledge, Pioneer and Position
People follow you based on your values
What is Personhood/Level of Respect
Country Club
Blake and Mouton's Managerial Grid
A strict manager who directs every action his employees take
S1 - Directing/Telling
Created Situational Leadership Model
Ken Blanchard
Being highly democratic is the best form of leadership according to this theory
What is Participative Theory
This law states that leadership skill is something that compounds over time
Law of Process
People follow you because they WANT to
What is Permission/Level of Relationships
Idealized Influence and Intellectual Stimulation are both components of this model
Transformational Leadership
Jack Black in School of Rock
S4 - Delegating/Observing
Creator of the 5 Levels of Leadership Model
John Maxwell
Influence is determined by whether you're in the "in group" or "out group"
What is Leader Member Exchange Theory
Law of Navigation
People follow you because they HAVE to
What is Positional/Level of Rights
Physiological Needs
What is Maslow's Hierarchy
McFarland coach who encourages his team members to believe in themselves
S3 - Supporting/Participating
She was one of the founders of Southwest Airlines and models servant leadership
People are motivated by the carrot or the stick
Transactional Theory
Law of Influence
People follow you because of what you've done for THEM
Consultative - Asking followers for input before making the final decision
Participative Leadership
Followers have low ability but high motivation
S2- Coaching/Selling
Coined the term "Servant Leadership"
Who is Robert Greenleaf