Attributes of God
God's Word
The Trinity and the Gospel
Vocabulary Words

Which attribute of God is the one that tells us God is fair, so He must punish all sin?

He is 100% Just


Give an example of how the Bible is God's Word.

Various Answers.


What was with God in the beginning?

Nothing, it was just God - Father, Son, Spirit


Name the three persons of the Trinity.

God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit

What is the "canon"?

A measurement used to include or exclude books from the Bible


What is the difference between the attributes of eternal and infinite?

Eternal means God always exists.

Infinite means God is beyond our ability to fully understand.


What does 2 Timothy 3:16 mean when it says the Bible was "inspired" or "breathed out" by God?

God the Holy Spirit guided the words that the authors wrote so it would be God's Words.


How did God create things?

He spoke them into existence.


God the Son is ________ Man and ________ God.

100 % Man and 100% God


What does "incomprehensible" mean?

There are things that our minds cannot fully understand about God as the Trinity. 


Name two huge ways that God judged the whole world of sin not long after Creation.

1) Flood

2) Tower of Babel


How many books are in the Old Testament and how many books are in the New Testament?

39 in the Old

27 in the New


What word did God use to describe Creation when He finished on the sixth day?

He said it was "good."


What is the central message that the Old Testament points to and the New Testament confirms?

The Gospel (God's Plan: Jesus coming and dying and resurrecting)


What is "profitable" mean, and how is the Bible profitable?

Profitable means that you will gain something from it

The Bible is profitable because it equips you to do every good work like 2 Timothy 3:16 says.


What attribute of God is greater than the rest of His attributes?

None, He is 100% Love, Just, Merciful, Holy, etc


What is the warning found in the last chapter of Revelation?

Do not add or take away from God's Word.


What does Revelation tell us about the New Creation?

No more sin, no more sickness, no more pain, no more suffering.

We will have a new body that will never die.


What should we start with when telling someone the Gospel? 

The Bad News : We are sinners.

Then, the Good News : Jesus offers forgiveness and restoration to a relationship with God.


What is "necessary" mean, and how is the Bible "necessary"?

Necessary means that something is required or has to be.

The Bible is necessary to show us the way to salvation and the story of God's plan. 


How did God demonstrate His attributes of love and mercy for the world?

He sent Jesus to pay the penalty for us sinners.


Name two ways to tell if someone is a false prophet.

1) They make false predictions.

2) They teach doctrine that contradict the Bible.

3) They add or take away from the Bible.


How has God revealed Himself in a way that people are without excuse to know that He exists?

1) Creation, Nature itself (animals, birds, mountains, etc)

2) The order of the world (24 hour days, DNA, etc)

3) The fine-tuning of the physical world (the Cell, the arrangement of the planets, repeatable experiments, etc)


Name at least 4 of the Seven C's from the Gospel.

Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, Consummation

What does "reliable" mean, and how do we know the Bible is "reliable"?

Reliable means that you can trust it

The Bible can be trusted because of historical documentation and archeological digs with physical evidence of the history of the Bible.
