Perfect Tenses
Past Tenses
Present Tenses
Mixed Tenses
Complete the sentences using a present perfect simple or continuous form of the verbs

1. 'Your houseplants look very dry.' 'I know. I (not water) them recently.'

2.  I (play) this game for over two hours and I still haven't reached level 2!

1. 'Your houseplants look very dry.' 'I know. I HAVEN'T WATERED them recently.'

2.  I HAVE BEEN PLAYING this game for over two hours and I still haven't reached level 2!


Complete the sentences with simple past or past continuous. 

1. My parents (meet) ___ when they (travel) ___ abroad.

2. While I (walk) ___ to work, I (run into) ___ an old friend.  

1. My parents (meet) MET when they (travel) WERE TRAVELING abroad.

2. While I (walk)WAS WALKING to work, I (run into) RAN INTO an old friend.  


Complete the sentence with a suitable form of the verb in brackets:

She usually _______(live) with friends, but now _____(have) a house just for herself.

She usually LIVES with friends, but now HAS (have) a house just for herself.

Present perfect or past simple?

1. I've driven this car (many times / in 2007)

2. Jane (passed / has passed) her driving test last week. 

3. Steve loves his job. He (did / 's done) it since he was twenty-two. 

1. many times

2. passed

3. 's done


Which phrase describes having an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone?

a. Hit it off

b. Infatuated with

c. Well matched 

d. Only have eyes for

b. Infatuated with 

100 BONUS POINTS if you can provide a sentence with the phrase.  

Complete the sentences using a present perfect simple or continuous.

1. I .....(wash) this shirt three times and I still can't get that stain out. 

2. 'What about this book?' 'No. I .... already.....(read) that one.'

3. 'Your shoes are dirty.' 'Yes. I ... (work) in the garden'. 


1. I've washed this shirt three times and I still can't get that stain out. 

2. 'What about this book?' 'No. I have already read that one.'

3. 'Your shoes are dirty.' 'Yes. I was working in the garden'. 


Complete the sentences with the simple past or past continuous:

1. When I (wake up) ___ this morning, the sun (shine)____.

2. I (break) ____ my leg once while I (play) ____ soccer for the school team. 


1. When I (wake up) WOKE UP this morning, the sun (shine)WAS SHINING.

2. I (break) BROKE my leg once while I (play) WAS PLAYING soccer for the school team. 


Complete the sentence with a suitable form of the verb in brackets:

Most summers she _____ (not earn) very much, but this summer she _____(get) more money. 

Most summers she DOESN'T EARN (not earn) very much, but this summer she IS GETTING (get) more money.


Present Perfect

Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using the word in brackets.  Use two to five words in your answer. 

1. The last time I smoked was in January. (since)

I ___________________________ January. 

2. I've never eaten such a bad meal. (ever)

This is the worst meal __________________. 

1. I haven't smoked since January. 

2. This is the worst meal I have ever eaten. 


What does the phrase "Thick as thieves" mean? provide an example. 

Thick as thieves describes a very close friendship, where secretes are often shared. 

Spongebob and Patrick have been thick as thieves since they were kids. 


Indicate if these statements are true or false. 

1. We use the present perfect continuous for activities that are still continuing, or has just ended.

2. We use the present perfect continuous to answer the questiosn "how much" or "how many times". 

3. We use the Present perfect simple for unfinished time periods (this week, today, etc.)

4. We use Present Perfect simple for a single activity that began at a point in the past and is still continuing. 

1. True

2. False, to answer how long. 

3. True

4. False, for that we use Present perfect continuous. 


Complete the rule with simple past or past continuous.

The Past continuous is almost always used in contrast with (the simple past/past continuous). You use the (the simple past/past continuous) to describe a "longer" activity that was in progress when other past events happened. You use the (the simple past/past continuous) to describe single, completed actions - usually the main events of a story.

The Past continuous is almost always used in contrast with the simple past. You use the past continuous to describe a "longer" activity that was in progress when other past events happened. You use the the simple past to describe single, completed actions - usually the main events of a story.


Match sentences 1 and 2 with their meanings A or B. 

1 Marianne's living in Edinburgh.            

2 Marie lives in Edinburgh.

A She usually lives in London

B She doesn't live in london

1 Marianne's living in Edinburgh.     = A She usually lives in London

2 Marie lives in Edinburgh.              = B She doesn't live in london


Indicate if these statements are true or false. 

1. We use the Past continuous for an action that was in progress at a specific time in the past. 

2. We use the Present Simple for actions which happened one after the other in the past. 

3. We use the Present Simple for actions that are in progress at the time of speaking. 

4. To talk about an annoying habit we use Present Continuous. 

1. True

2. False, for that we use Past simple

3. False, for that we use Present Continuous

4. True - 100 Bonus points if you can give an example. 


Which of the following is the best synonym for amiable? Why?

a. Bosom pals

b. Inseperable

c. Friendly

d. Kindred spirits

C. Friendly, if someone is amiable they are friendly or pleasent to be with. 

Provide the past participle of these verbs:

begin, bleed, choose, cost, dream, eat. 

begun, bled, chosen, cost, dreamt or dreamed, eaten 


Complete the sentences to say what you were doing at these times in the past. You must use the correct verb tense. You cannot repeat the same verb for each sentence. 

1. This time last year ....

2. This time ten years ago ...

3. This time last Sunday ...

This time last year I was + verb -ing 

This time ten years ago I was + verb -ing 

This time last Sunday I was + verb -ing 

100 BONUS POINTS if you added a complement to your sentence. 


Correct the mistake. 

1. Do you have got any tickets left for tomorrow evening?

2. Sarah needs help with her homework. She don't understand the maths.

1. Do you have any tickets left for tomorrow evening? OR 

Have you got any tickets left for tomorrow evening?

2. She doesn't understand the maths. 


Which of the following is not a stative verb?

Love - Feel - Own - Study - Doubt

Study is not a stative verb, as it describes an action rather than a "state". 


What word would you use to express having a strong liking or affection for someone or something?

Fond or Keen


Provide the past participle form of these verbs:

fall, hang, quit, ride, ring, spoke, think

fallen, hung, quit, ridden, rung, spoken, thought


Complete the sentences:

One morning, Amber (get) up early. The sun (shine) and the birds (sing). Amber (be) very excited because it was the day of the big tennis match. 

Amber (go) downstairs and into the kitchen, where her father (have) breakfast. 

One morning, Amber GOT up early. The sun WAS SHINING and the birds WERE SINGING. Amber WAS very excited because it was the day of the big tennis match. 

Amber WENT downstairs and into the kitchen, where her father WAS HAVING breakfast.


Complete the gaps with present simple or present continuous.

Neil: Well, actually, 1.(I/get) really fed up with him. I mean 2. (he/always/take) my food from the fridge. 

Jack: And mine. And 3.(he/never/do) the washing-up! Perhaps we should ask him to leave. 

Neil: Well I'm not sure that he want to stay. 4. (he/not/seem) very happy here.

Neil: Well, actually, 1. I AM GETTING really fed up with him. I mean 2. HE IS ALWAYS TAKING my food from the fridge. 

Jack: And mine. And 3. HE NEVER DOES the washing-up! Perhaps we should ask him to leave. 

Neil: Well I'm not sure that he want to stay. 4. HE DOESN'T SEEM very happy here. 


Write the correct form of a negative present perfect sentence. 

Subject + have/has + not + verb (v3) + object. 


Explain the phrase: Holds in a high regard. 

Provide a sentence to exemplify. 

The phrase "hold in high regard" means to have a lot of respect or admiration for someone or something. When you hold someone or something in high regard, you think very highly of them, value them greatly, and often look up to them for their qualities, achievements, or character.

Ex. "The community holds the teacher in high regard for her dedication to the students."
