Figurative Language
Context Clues

Job Advertisement:

LOOKING FOR … Someone who loves the outdoors. Knows how to plant, drive a tractor, and grow food. 

What job is the advertisement for?

A farmer


What is the theme?

From the time Alexis was eight years old, she dreamed of being a dentist.  She decided to study science like never before.  After high school graduation, she went to college and then to dental school. She studied many nights until she almost fell asleep and she often gave up the chance to do something fun if she had a test the next day.  Finally Alexis became a dentist and had the life she had once imagined.

Hard work pays off (or something similar)


Read summary card #4.  What is the best summary of this story?



Identify the figurative language used in this sentence.

That dog is as big as a horse.



What does the italicized word mean?

The student replied to the teacher with a witty answer and the class laughed.



Annie Oakley was born in Ohio in 1860 and grew up in a home with very little money.  As a young teenager, she shot quail and pheasants (birds) and sold them to grocery stores and restaurants.  Annie made enough money to pay off the mortgage on her mother's farm.

You might infer that:

A. Annie charged way too much for the birds that she sold.

B. Annie was a very successful hunter because of her shooting skills.

C. Annie was selfish with the money she earned.

D. Houses used to be really inexpensive.

The answer is B.


What is the theme?

Mark was the new kid in school and he mostly kept to himself.  He was born with a large birthmark on his face that made him feel self-conscious, so most of the time, he felt it was easier to avoid people than to be rejected.  Tyler was in Mark's class. He noticed Mark's birthmark of course, but he also noticed that Mark never played at recess but just sat alone under a tree until the bell rang.  Tyler decided to invite him to join him and his friends in a basketball game.

Be kind to others. (or something similar)


Read summary card #3.  Which is the best summary of this story?



Identify the figurative language in this sentence.

Beep, Beep! The register scanned the items.



What does the italicized word me?

My grandpa will doze during television shows he watches when he is tired.

nap, sleep


Dan and Ethan were passing notes throughout class for the entire morning.  They kept looking back at Cynthia and snickering.  Then, Shelia was included and the notes were passed between all three students.  The laughter got louder until Mr. Pilcher had to remind them to be quiet.  At lunch, Cynthia say by herself in tears.  She returned to the classroom and asked Mr. Pilcher if she could help clean the classroom instead of going outside with the other students.  Infer what happened to Cynthia.

Cynthia was being made fun of.   (or something similar).

What is the theme?

As Alice walked down the sidewalk to school, she noticed that Ryan dropped a twenty dollar bill without noticing it.  As he continued walking to school, Alice bent down and picked up the twenty dollar bill. She imagined all the things she might spend it on and how fun it would be to go on a shopping trip with her friends.  Then she thought about Ryan and how he would feel when he found the money missing.  Sighing, Alice hurried to catch up to Ryan and to give him his money back.

Honesty is the best policy.  (or something similar)


Read summary card #2.  What is the best summary of this story?



What does this metaphor mean?

That haircut is a horror story


What does the italicized word mean?

The mechanical toys were very superior and looked down upon everyone else. They were full of modern ideas, and they pretended they were real.

Stuck up, higher up, more important


Rylie had just finished her after school snack and was working on her homework.  It was early afternoon in May, but before she realized it, Rylie needed to turn a light on to see her textbook.  Her dog, Snuggles, kept whimpering and pacing around the kitchen.  She couldn't figure out what was wrong with Snuggles until she heard it.  It sounded like a freight train.  Then, the sirens rang out.  Rylie grabbed Snuggles and ran to the basement.  Infer what happened.  Why was Rylie taking Snuggles to the basement?

There was a tornado (or storm)


What is the theme?

Sarah's room was a mess.  She had books and papers all over her desk and toys were scattered across the floor of her room.  She had clothes stuffed under her bed and her dresser drawers were so crammed with things that she almost couldn't open them.  Now her assignment was due, and it was missing.  She looked everywhere is her backpack and in her room and it was nowhere to be found.

Being neat and organized will pay off.  (or something close to this response)

Read summary card #1.  What is a best summary for the story?



What type of figurative language is this?

The waves crashed against the shore and crawled back into the ocean only to roar and crash again



What does the italicized word mean?

When Mary Lennox was sent to Misselthwaite Manor to live with her uncle everybody said she was the most disagreeable-looking child ever seen. It was true, too. She had a little thin face and a little thin body, thin light hair and a sour expression. Her hair was yellow, and her face was yellow because she had been born in India. She had always been ill in one way or another.



When she was 15, Annie competed in a hunting competition against a well known hunter, Frank Butler.  She beat him in the competition, and they later dated and married.

What can you infer about Frank?

Frank likes Annie's hunting skills (or something similar)


Elliot could feel the anger rising in him.  He wanted to go to a friend's house for a birthday party but his mom asked him to stay home and watch his little brother.  Elliot stormed downstairs to talk to his mom again about it but all he got was the same answer.  He was so mad that he ran upstairs and slammed the door to his room, which knocked a family picture off the wall.  It fell on the wooden floor with a crash and glass went everywhere.  Now he not only had to miss the party, he was grounded for a week.

Overreacting doesn't pay off.

Anger doesn't get you what you want. 

(or something similar)


Read the Penguin Passage.  Summarize the story using Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then.  Write your answer in a paragraph.

Answers will vary.  Teacher will determine correct answer.


Write your own simile.

Answer will vary. Teacher will say if response if correct.

Need to use "like" or "as"


Many museums and zoos rely on docents to help educate their visitors about their collections. Docents may lead guided tours of the facility, answer visitor questions about exhibits, or even support staff members with the routine maintenance of collections. Docents must usually be 15 years or older and be willing to take classes to learn all about the organization’s animals, art, or historical artifacts. They also learn how the institution operates, so they can help visitors find things and assist with safety and security. Although being a docent is not a paid position, most would tell you that the opportunity to work in close proximity to the art, animals, and important objects they love is remarkably rewarding.

What is a docent?

A volunteer/worker at a zoo or museum