What type of map is this?
Physical map
What two coordinates hit Texas?
30N 100W
What continent is this country located in?
Latitude lines run in what direction?
East to West
What type of map is used when going on a road trip?
Road map
What is something you would put in the key for a physical map?
What two coordinates hit Pennsylvania?
40N 80W
What Ocean is east of North America and West of Europe?
Atlantic Ocean
What kind of map would I look at to see what parts of the world experience extreme heat?
Climate map
Why is a scale important for some maps?
it allows you to accurately determine the real-world distance between locations shown on the map
What type of map would show me population density by the city?
Thematic map
What coordinates is Colorado located in?
40N 105W
What continent is this country located in?
North America
What is the purpose of a political map?
To show the political features of a region, such as boundaries and divisions, and to help people understand the political structure of that area
What is the Blue continent?
What is the purpose of the prime meridian and equator?
These two lines help us to navigate our world by providing reference points for measuring longitude and latitude
what are Alabama's coordinates?
33N 93W
What Ocean is south of Asia and North of Australia?
Indian Ocean
Is it more important for a map to have a key or a scale? Explain your answer.
What is the Purple continent?
South America
Explain how you would use a map to plan a hiking trip. What information would you look for?
what is Iowa's coordinates
43N 93W
What continent is this country located in?
What Ocean is B located in?
Pacific Ocean
What Ocean is D located in?
Indian Ocean