TED Talks
Ent. Mindset
Enemy of Mindset

What was the record for David Blaine holding his breath?

17 mins & 4 seconds. 


Entrepreneurial Mindset is....

a resilient, resourceful, and solutions-oriented approach to anything in life. 


What is the enemy of growth mindset?

Fixed Mindset


What is failure?

A lack of success or the inability to meet an expectation.


The power of _____ is strong growth mindset language?



Carol believes that abilities can be ____________________.



Entrepreneurial mindset is important even when what?

conditions say otherwise or the cards are not stacked in your favor. 


Define a fixed mindset.

It means you believe intelligence, talent, and other qualities are innate and unchangeable.


What is the biggest problem we face when we fail?

We take it personally. The problem is that we can read too much into failure. Too often, we tie it to our sense of self-worth, self-esteem, and self-acceptance


The following are examples of what kind of language?

“You’re a natural! I love that!”

“Well at least you tried!”

“Great job! You’re so talented!”

Fixed Mindset Language 


Grit is living a life like it is a ___________________, not a __________________.

marathon, race


Define Growth Mindset...

When people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work


What is the difference between a fixed and a growth mindset?

Fixed - Failure is the end, you can never get better than what you are naturally talented at. 

Growth - you can always develop your skills and traits. Even when you fail. 

What is redefining failure?

No longer see attempting “it” only to not accomplish your desired outcome as a failure – redefine that as a success because you gave “it” your best shot and you learned from the experience. The success comes from having improved.


Give me two examples of growth mindset language. 

“You’re a learner! I love that!”

“That didn’t work. Let’s talk about how you approached it and what might work better.”

“Great job! What’s one thing that could have been even better?”

“This is hard. Don’t feel bad if you can’t do it yet.”

I have high standards. I’m holding you to them because I know we can reach them together.”


________________ _________________ is the best idea Angela has ever heard of to build someone’s grit.

Growth Mindset


What does it mean to have Grit?

person with true grit has passion and perseverance. Goals are set and followed through. A person who works really hard to follow through on commitments has true grit


Who is the OG of Grit and why?

Able Lincoln. List some of his failures and setbacks. 


People who redefine failure do what?

  • Allow themselves to fail. They are not scared of failure.

  • They do not define themselves by the failure. They don't make the failure all about them: they keep the failure external.

  • They don't get paralyzed by failure. They keep moving, they don't dwell on it. 


Sara Blakely (founder of Spanx), says she aims high in business. What does that mean?

If you have a goal, try to aim to achieve something even higher than that goal. That way even if you fail to achieve that higher goal, you reach your original goal. These are called stretch goals.


Explain how David Blaine has more of a growth mindset and not crazy. (although he is a little bit crazy)

Explanation includes his journey and multiple failures. He kept going. Persevered with passion to accomplish a long-term goal.  


Grit, passion and perseverance are a powerful trio. However, which one could you take out that would make the others fail? 

Passion. You can persevere through things that you are not passionate about. You can also be gritty to a certain extent with things that you are not passionate about. You will never truly accomplish what you really love without having a passion for it. 


Dweck calls being stuck in failure what?

The tyranny of now.


What is the only true failure in life?

Not even trying to begin with. Never count yourself short or out before you even try.


What are all 4 steps, in the correct order, on the journey to a growth mindset?

Step 1: The first step is to embrace your fixed mindset. Let’s face it we all have some of it.

Step 2: Become aware of your fixed mindset triggers. When does your fixed mindset “persona” come home to roost?

Step 3: Now give our fixed mindset persona a name. Kind of like my board Carl.

Step 4: You’re in touch with your triggers and aware of your persona and its name. Now you need to educate it and take it on the journey with you!
