Military power is a form of this
Hard Power
Name the three forms of state legitimacy
1. Traditional legitimacy
2. Legal-rational legitimacy
3. Charismatic Legitimacy
The 3 necessary components of successful social movements
The precursor to the United Nations.
League of Nations
Which theory identifies that society is built around preferences that we may have to put aside from time to time
We studied 3 sources of soft power. Name 2 out of the 3
Culture, Political Values, Foreign Policy
Legitimacy through negative tactics identifies 5 different ways a government can attempt to legitimize its power. Name as many as you can...
Creation of an enemy
Vilification of opponents
The diagram which identifies the stages of a social movement was developed by these individuals ...
Blumer, Maus, and Tilly
What are the two different types of NGOs that we talked about?
Operational and Advocacy
In the Stages of a Social Movement diagram, there are 5 ways a movement can resolve itself. Name 4 out of the 5
Go mainstream
Power through distraction and manipulation
Sharp Power
Identify the 3 ways a state can attempt to maintain/acquire legitimacy
Use of government action
Negative political actions
What is the idea that feelings of being disadvantaged mixed with discontent are related to a specific reference point.
Relative Deprivation Theory
What year was the UN charter signed into effect?
Who thinks power is defined most clearly by the concept of "latent power"?
John Mearsheimer
When international institutions/organizations can impact state decisions
Post-Westphalian sovereignty
The most accepted contemporary source of legitimacy in a state is....
A form of democracy or constitutionalism (legal-rational legitimacy)
When social structure breaks down and perceived inequality grows citizens tend to form movements. This is one way to justify this idea....
Mass Society Theory
Impartiality, neutrality, and independence are central to this area of content we have studied. What is it most directly connected to?
Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs)
According to the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of the State (1933), what are the 4 features of statehood?
1. A defined territory
2. A permanent population
3. An effective government
4. The capacity to enter into relations with other states
The name of the treaty that establishes the International Criminal Court (ICC)
The Rome Statutes
A power that is delegated formally. It includes a right to command a situation, commit resources, give orders, and expect them to be obeyed, it is always accompanied by an equal responsibility for one's actions or a failure to act. This was the direct definition Mr. Kosh gave for this term...
You have 1 minute to explain:
Reform movements
Revolutionary movements
Redemptive movements
Resistance movements
Reform movements- Want to change society, but in a limited way. Change societal view on a specific topic.
Revolutionary movements- Want to completely destroy the old society and replace it with a new one.
Redemptive movements- A social movement that wants to create more dramatic change. Usually focused on the individuals’ life. Want to complete transformation.
Resistance movements- A social movement that seeks to prevent or reverse social, cultural, or economic structural change.
Abbreviations in 1 minute 30 seconds:
World Health Organization
World Trade Organization
Economic and Social Council
Association of Southeast Asian Nations
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Technology Education and Design
You have 1 minute to name all 6 major organs of the UN
Tiebreaker: P5 States and state in top 3 order of vetoes
The General Assembly
Trusteeship Council
P5- USA, Russia, China, UK, France
Veto order- 1. Russa 2. USA 3. UK