Which Lobe is responsible for vision?
Occipital Lobe
How does the brain develop? Think in terms if directions.
The brain develops from back to front.
What is growth mindset?
Believe abilities can be improved with practice
Embrace challenges
Persist in the face of setbacks
See effort as the path to mastery
Learn from criticism
What is fixed mindset?
Believe abilities are fixed, and cannot be changed
Avoid challenges
Give up easily
See effort as fruitless or worse
Feel threatened by negative feedback
____ are long neurons bunched together. It connects your brain to the rest of your body.
Nerves, will also accept brain stem (which is nerve tissue)
Which lobe is responsible for decision making, organization behavior, and is not fully developed until a person's mid-20s?
Frontal Lobe
This part of the brain wraps around the entire part of the cerebrum which is the largest part of the forebrain.
The ___ tells the body what to do by sending electrical signals through the nerves.
Why are teens more impulsive than adults?
The limbic system which is the emotional side of the brain is fully developed but not connected to the front part of your brain. The front part of your brain develops last.
____ ensures that the neuron's "message" moves quickly enabling complex brain process. It insulates the neuron.
Name the 4 lobes of the brain
Frontal Lobe
Parietal Lobe
Occipital Lobe
Temporal Lobe
Which part of the brain is last to develop, around the age of 25 years old? This part is responsible for EXECUTIVE FUNCTION.
Pre-frontal cortex or cortex
What are the two parts that make up the nervous system?
Brain and spinal cord
What type of mindset is the following? "Since my goal is a 1st place finish, I need to practice more and put in some extra effort."
Growth mindset
What are the two types of the nervous system. Name the parts.
Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System
Which lobe is responsible for emotions and hearing?
Temporal Lobe
This system which is often referred to as the emotional brain is involved in motivation, emotion , learning and memory.
Limbic system
On average, how many neurons does a person have?
100 Billion
Why is the midbrain considered the "relay station"?
Sends information up to the forebrain and/or back down to the hindbrain
Describe pruning.
1) Pruning is the elimination of the synapse that are weak and no longer needed
2) Childhood connections still used and needed are strengthened and kept, the rest are pruned back
3) Pruning makes the teen brain more efficient and faster than child brain
Which lobe is responsible for the integration of senses and movement?
Parietal Lobe
Complex planning and decision-making.
This portion of your brain is responsible for breathing, heartbeat and sleep.
This part of the brain involves processing vision (color,size, and motion)
Where terminals from one neuron connect to another neuron's dendrite it forms a ____, which is where the signals are transmitted to other neurons.