Goal Setting
Dimensions of Health
Stress Management
Peer Pressure

What is a short-term goal? Give one example.

A goal achievable in a week or even a couple of months.

Go for a walk when I get home, get an A in Health, try out for basketball...etc.


Going to your annual checkup, going to the dentist,

Personal Hygiene, appearance, getting enough sleep 

Dimension of Health- Physical

What is Eustress?

Give one example.

Good stress- positive stress!!

Birthday celebration, doing something you love, talking to your crush, vacation.


What is self-esteem? 

A person's opinion of themselves, including their beliefs, values and emotional state.


A group of your friends are trying to get you to drink alcohol at 3rd Friday. What king of peer pressure is this?

a. Negative peer pressure

b. Positive peer pressure

c. Neutral peer pressure

a. Negative peer pressure


What is a long-term goal? Give one example.

A BIG goal in your life that can take some time to achieve...

Get accepted into the high school of your choice, Honor roll all 4 quarters, lose 50 lbs.


Joining a club/ sport, meeting new friends, participating in class, manners

Dimension of Health- Social


What is distress?

Give one example.

Bad stress- negative stress

Injury, illness, death of a pet or family member, losing sleep, anger


How do you develop high self-esteem? 

Be kind to yourself, have pride in something you love, positive self-talk, surround yourself with positive people. 


When a friend tries to convince you to apply yourself more in school that is an example of?

a. Negative peer pressure

b. Positive peer pressure

c. Neutral peer pressure

d. Parental peer pressure

b. Positive peer pressure


Why is setting a SMART Goal important when it comes to goal setting?

Pushes you to meet a specific goal, gives you a sense of direction and helps you organize your thoughts.


Reading a book, learning a new hobby, studying for a test.

Dimension of Health- Intellectual

What are two things YOU do to manage stress in your life?

Exercise, talk with friends, listen to music, have a favorite snack, play video games, have fun!!


How do you develop low self- esteem?

Lack of confidence, negative self-talk, afraid of making mistakes, hanging around negative people.  


In general, any type of bullying behavior is a negative interaction among individuals. Which of the statements below is NOT true about any type of bullying behavior?

a. Cyberbullies can face criminal charges if they have downloaded illegal content.

b. Bullying is unintentional physical injury to another that occurs only once.

c. Bystanders may feel helpless because they don’t know what to do.

d. Any type of bullying is about intimidation, coercion, and harassment.

b. Bullying is unintentional physical injury to another that occurs only once.


What does the S and M stand for in SMART Goal?

S- Specific

M- Measurable


Stress management, self-esteem, keeping calm under pressure. 

Dimension of Health- Mental


What is the term for a stress management technique that involves consciously focusing attention on the present moment?

a. Procrastination

b. Mindfulness

c. Self-critism

d. overthinking

b. Mindfulness 


Which of the following is a short-term consequence of bullying?

a. Loss of interests or relationships

b. Feeling hopeless

c. Embarrassment or feeling shame

d. Suicide attempts

C. Embarrassment or Feeling Shame


In various forms of media, pictures or words can carry many messages. Which of the following is an example of a NEGATIVE influence the media can have on a person's self-respect or sense of self?

a. Anyone can be happy

b. Only thin people can be successful

c. Everyone has flaws

d. You don’t have to be attractive to be popular

b. Only thin people can be successful


What does the A-R-T stand for in SMART Goal?

A- Attainable

R- Relevant

T- Time based/ timely


Are the dimensions of health interrelated?

Support your answer. 

All dimensions of health are connected and has an effect on each other. 

What is the term for the body's physiological response to stress, involving the release of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline?

Fight or Flight 


If a person suspected a friend is suicidal, what action should they NOT take?

a. Leave the person alone.

b. Call a suicide hot line.

c. Tell a trusted adult.

d. Get the person to a counselor

A. Leave the person alone.


Lauren has noticed that her best friend is acting differently. She does not ever smile, seems sad all the time, is always tired, and seems to not want to do anything she used to like doing. Lauren is worried her friend is depressed. What is the best action Lauren can take to help her friend?

a. Go online and print her friend an article about depression

b. Share her concerns with their group of friends

c. Call 911

d. Tell her friend she is worried about her and suggest going to talk to the school counselor with her.

d. Tell her friend she is worried about her and suggest going to talk to the school counselor with her.
