Becoming a Citizen
Duties and Responsibilities of Citizens
Forms of Government
Systems of Government

This amendment to the U.S. Constitution defined citizenship in order to provide African American men the right to vote after the Civil War.

What is the 14th Amendment


This is the difference between a DUTY and a RESPONSIBILITY

What is Duty: Something that is required to be done by law Responsibility: Something that SHOULD be done but is NOT required by law


This is the form of government for the United States

What is a representative democracy (republic)


The United States has this system of government, where power is, “layered” or shared among different levels. (Power is shared)

What is a federal system


This LEVEL of the U.S. government has the MOST power

What is the federal (national) level


According to the 14th Amendment, these are the two ways to become a United States citizen

What is born or naturalized


This responsibility allows citizens to tell the government what they like and don't like

What is voting


This form of government exists when a single ruler has complete and absolute power DAILY DOUBLE: List the THREE types of this form of government and define them

What is an autocracy


This system of government power is held at the center and the central (national) government performs ALL of the government functions. (Power is at the center)

What is a unitary system


This level of government controls public education, conducts elections, and establishes local governments

What is the state level


These are people who are trying to escape the dangers of their home countries – fleeing due to persecution, war, or other crisis situations.

What are Refugees


Voting would be considered this:



In this form of government all citizens vote on all laws and government changes

What is direct democracy


This system of government power is located with the independent states and there is little power in the central government. (States have all the power)

What is a confederal system


This level of government is responsible for things like libraries, parks, sewage, streets and bridges

What is local government


These are the two ways to be considered a, "natural-born" citizen (please explain each):

What is Law of Blood: (Born in U.S. or parents are U.S. citizens) and Law of Soil: (Born on U.S. territory)


This is the difference between an immigrant, an alien, and illegal aliens:

What is an immigrant: is an individual who moves permanently to a new country.  alien: is a citizen of another country who has received permission to enter the US temporarily (Do not have full political rights) illegal aliens: People who enter the U.S. illegally, and fail to have proper immigration documentation.


This form of government is an economic system where a country has power over many businesses that are produced and provides services for their people. 

What is socialism


This system of government power lies with the legislative body and the leader of the country (usually called the Prime Minister) is part of the legislature. (Legislature has the power) 

What is parliamentary system


These are the political rights that ALIENS do NOT have

What is voting, running for public office, and serve on juries


These are the 5 STEPS to become a naturalized United States citizen:

What is 1. Apply for a permanent residency visa (Green Card) 2. Declaration of Intention 3. Fingerprinted 4. Interview with NSCIS and pass Citizenship Test 5. Take the Oath of Allegiance


These are the 5 DUTIES of being an American citizen:

What is 1. Pay Taxes 2. Selective Service 3. Go to School 4. Obey the Law 5. Jury Duty


This form of government is where the ruling party (government) owns the means of production and private ownership is restricted. Usually a dictator rules.

What is Communism


The The European Union, and the United Nations (“U.N.”) are examples of this system of government:

What is confederal


This would be an example of a country whose citizens are currently fleeing to the U.S. as refugees

What is Syria, Cuba, etc. (Teacher discretion)
