Political & Economic
Culture & Religion
Landforms & Water
Climate & Weather
Earth's Rotation

What is an Economy?

System where people produce, sell, and buy things.


What is Culture and the 4 expressions of culture?

How people in a region live, behave, and think.

Language, Religion, Beliefs, and Customs.


What is a landform?

Any natural formation of rock and dirt found on Earth.


What is climate? 

Average condition of the atmosphere over a long period of time. Includes average temp, average precipitation and amount of change from season to season.


What is the difference between the solstice and the equinox?

Solstice = moment when summer and winter stats.

Equinox = beginning of spring & autumn 


What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?

Total value of all the goods and services that a country produces in a given year.


What is the difference between culture and religion?

Culture = How people in a region live, behave, and think.

Religion = Set of beliefs and practices that is often focused on one or more gods/deities.


What is the difference between salt and fresh water?

fresh water you can drink, cook with, bathe, and water plants with. Salt water you can't drink.


Prevailing winds are what?

Winds coming from the ocean that push up  a mountain.


What are the different layers of the Earth?

Crust, Mantle, Outer core, Inner core


What is a Free Enterprise Economy?

Privately owned business makes goods and products for the people. This is Capitalism.


What are the 5 Major religions?

Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism


What water makes up our oceans?

Salt water


What is the difference between weather and climate?

weather is the condition in the atmosphere at a particular time, climate is the long term. 


What is the Ring of Fire? What causes it?

Circle of volcanoes and earthquakes along the outer edge of the Pacific Ocean.

Large pacific plates rub against the Asia, Australian, South American, & North American plates


What is the difference between a Limited Government and an Unlimited Government?

Limited Government does not have complete control over the citizens, while an Unlimited Government has complete control over its citizens.


What is a civilization? Give an example of a Ancient Civilization in world history.

A society that has a highly developed culture & technology? To be a civilization the society has to have a complex Language system (written Alphabet), a religion and belief system, and customs.


What are the 4 steps to the Water Cycle?

Step 1: Evaporation

Step 2: Condensation

Step 3: Precipitation 

Step 4: Runoff

What are the 4 things that affect climate?

Latitude, Elevation, Prevailing winds, ocean currents 


The slow movement of contents on the tectonic plates is what?

Continental drift


What are the four types of governments? Describe 2 of them.

Democracy = people elect representatives to govern them.

Monarchy = king, queen, or emperor rules society.

Dictatorship = one person rises to power and rules society, controls all aspects of society.

Communism = type of command economy where the gov controlled by communist party owns all property and runs society.


Out of the 5 major religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism) what ones are monotheistic religions?

Monotheistic religions is the believe in 1 god. 

Christianity, Judaism, Islam are monotheistic religions.


What are the 4 steps to the Water Cycle? Describe each step.

Step 1: Evaporation, sun heats up ocean water vapor rises into atmosphere.

Step 2: Condensation, cold temps in atmosphere cause water vapor to change into droplets and forms clouds.

Step 3: Precipitation, water droplets grow heavier and fall back down to earth (rain or snow).

Step 4: Runoff, precipitation soaks into the ground and rivers eventually going back into ocean.


How many climate regions are there? What are they?

5; Dry Climate, Humid Temperate Climate, Humid Equatorial Climate, Tundra, Humid Cold climate


What is a tectonic plate and what are the 4 different kinds of plate boundaries?

sections of the Earth's crust that floats on the Earth's mantle.

Subduction, Divergence, Convergence, and Transform.
