The R in R.A.C.E
Re-state or re-word
What is the author's purpose for writing a short story?
to entertain
When a character goes back to recall a past event before the story's beginning...
memory moment
I mean..if I see you in the hall or school and don't say hi, well it's not personal
Cherry Valence
thicker, darker words
Bold print
The A in R.A.C.E
Answer the question
What is the author's purpose for writing a newspaper article ?
to inform
When a character does not behave normally or an unexpected event occurs
contract & contradiction
Don't you ever use your head?
slanted words
italics or italicized print
The C. in R.A.C.E
Cite or copy from the story
What is author's purpose for writing an advertisement for running shoes?
to persuade
When a older character offers some advice
Words of the Wiser
Man, I thought New York was the only place I could get mixed up in a murder rap.
words that describe a photo
Explain your answer
to express or entertain
An event or details that get repeated throughout the story
Again and Again
Greasers will still be greasers and Socs will still be Socs.
the title of a page or article
The punctuation marks that must be used when doing the C in R.A.C.E
punctuation marks
to persuade or express an opinion
When a character comes to a realization or understanding
AHA Moment
Maybe you would have done the same thing, maybe a friend of yours wouldn't have. It's the individual.
gives the topic of only one part of the text or article