Which should we trust the most: a show on TV, a storybook, or the Bible?
The Bible
What words in the first verse of Genesis show that God existed BEFORE anything else was created?
"In the beginning God."
We should study God's Word carefully! What 5 questions should we ask as we read and study God's Word?
Who? What? When? Where? Why?
What does it mean that the apostles were eyewitnesses?
They were with Jesus. They saw what Jesus did and heard what He said.
What is the word we learned that means "good news"?
The gospel
Why can we trust the Bible? Give 2 words that describe it.
Perfect, sure, right, pure, true
Which attribute of God tells us that He always was before all things-He had no beginning?
Name one of the four ways the Bible is profitable, or useful to us.
Doctrine; Reproof; Correction; Instruction
Who did God the Father send to help the writers of the Bible?
The Holy Spirit; the Comforter
Who is the gospel about?
Name an attribute of God and tell me what that attribute means.
Holy, eternal, loving, faithful, sovereign, just, etc.
What does the creation show us?
God's power. There had to be a Creator.
In lesson 6, who was the prophet God used to preserve His Word?
What do false prophets try to do to God's Word?
Change it by adding things to it or taking things away.
What did Jesus do for sinners?
He died on the cross.
What word describes God as greater than we can imagine?
What word do we use to explain that God is three Persons in one God?
What did King Jehoiakim do when he heard God's Word?
He got angry and cut it up and burned it.
What does God think of anyone or any religion that tries to chance His Word?
He doesn't like it. He will curse/punish them.
The gospel is the good news. What is the bad news we learn in the Bible?
We are all sinners, and God must punish sin.
How can we know what God is like?
The Bible tells us
Who are the three Persons of the Trinity?
God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit
How long will God's Word last? How long will God preserve it?
If we heard something about God that doesn't sound right, what should we do?
Check the Bible. See what the Bible says.
And what is the good news? What is the gospel?
Jesus died to save us from the punishment of sin then He rose again! We can have forgiveness of our sin and eternal life though Jesus Christ.