Attributes of God
God's Word
The Trinity and the Gospel

What attribute of God is shown in His almighty power?

God is omnipotent or all-powerful.


Why can we trust God's Word as reliable?

It has been preserved, it is true, and it is historically accurate.


What is the false theory some people teach about how the universe was created? 

The big bang.


Name the three persons of the Trinity.

Father, Son, Holy Spirit.


What does the word Gospel mean?

Good News


How did God demonstrate his attributes of love and mercy for the world?

He sent His only son Jesus to pay the penalty for sinners.


What two warnings are found in Revelation about what not to do to God’s Word?

Do not add or take away from God’s Word.


What/Who was with God in the beginning?

Nothing. It was just God—Father, Son, Holy Spirit.


What is the central message of the Bible?

The Gospel/Jesus Christ


The idea of the Trinity is incomprehensible. What does incomprehensible mean? 

If something is incomprehensible that means it cannot be understood fully.


Which attribute of God is the one that tells us God is fair, so he must punish all sin?



Give an example from the Bible when God preserved his Word. 

King Jehoiakim burned a scroll that was God’s Word of judgment. But God gave his Word to Jeremiah a second time with even more words written on it. Also the Bible has been preserved over a long period of time.


What caused the separation in the relationship between man and God?

Man's fall into sin through Adam and Eve's disobeying God's command.


What member of the Trinity is responsible for Sanctification?

The Holy Spirit


The writers of Scripture were eyewitnesses inspired by the Holy Spirit. What is an eyewitness?

Someone who saw and heard the events in person.


What is the difference between the attributes of eternal and infinite?

Eternal means God always existed and always will be. Infinite means God is beyond our ability to measure.


What does it mean that the Holy Spirit inspired the writing of the Bible?

People/prophets were guided by the Holy Spirit to write down God’s Word.


How has God revealed himself in a way that we can see every day? 

Creation reveals a Creator because of all the things in the universe and how orderly it is.


What should always be our starting point when we are telling people about God, truth, or the gospel? 

The Bible (the Bad News and the Good News).


According to 2 Timothy 3:16–17, the Bible is useful for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness. What is reproof?

Reproof is revealing an area in your life that doesn’t line up with Scripture.


Name two huge ways God judged the whole world of sin not long after creation.

The flood during Noah's time and the Tower of Babel. (Other examples also work here)


Name three ways to tell if someone is a false prophet.

1. They make false predictions.

2. They add to or take away from the 66 books of the Bible. 

3. They teach things that contradict the Bible.


What invisible thing is clearly seen by everyone when they look at the wonders of creation? 

Romans 1:20. God’s attributes; his eternal power and divine nature.


Why is it a good idea to tell someone the bad news before the good news when sharing the gospel? 

When you understand the judgment of God for sin, you can better appreciate God’s love and the sacrifice of Jesus for sinners.


We learned that the canon of Scripture is closed. What does canon mean? 

Canon means true/authoritative. The canon of Scripture is the 88 books of the Bible.
