Name an attribute of God and what it means.
Holy, righteous, omnipotent, sovereign, etc.
What are the two parts of God's Word
The Old Testament and The New Testament
Recite Genesis 1:1
In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth.
The Holy Spirit
What does Gospel mean?
Good New
What is a false prophet?
A person who does NOT teach God's word -
What can happen if we listen to false prophets? Remember the playdoh.
We can get confused about what is really true. It is hard to know the truth.
Holy means....
Perfect, Without Sin
Some of the men who wrote books of the Bible were eyewitnesses. What is an eyewitness?
Who was there at the beginning?
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
Is the Bible useful for TEACHING us God's truth that we need to know or about eyewitnesses?
Doctrine - God's truth we need to know
WHO is the Gospel about?
You should NOT add to God's word. True or False?
What did Jehoiakim do when Jehudi read him God's word?
He cut it up and burned it.
What attribute of God is fair and must do what is right?
What is one way God's Word, the Bible can change us?
it can change our hearts, it can make us wise, give us joy, help us see what is really true
What does creation show us? (remember the blocks dumped on the floor)
That someone had to make it.
There had to be a creator.
God's power.
What will God always do with his word? (think of King Jehoiakim)
Preserve it!
What did Jesus do for us?
Die on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins.
How can we know what God is like?
The Bible tells us.
What does Eternal mean?
Always has been and always will be
We can trust the Bible. Give two words that describe the Bible and WHY we can trust it.
perfect, sure, right, true, pure, righteous
What attribute tells us that God was before all things - he had no beginning and no end.
God's word is PROFITABLE. What does that mean?
It is useful, good for us. Helps us.
The Gospel is good news. What is the BAD news?
We are ALL sinners.
God is okay with people trying to change his Word?
What word describes God as greater than we can imagine?
This attribute means that God is in control of everything, He does as he pleases, there is no one else like him.
What 5 words should we ask ourselves as we read and study the Bible?
who? what? when? where? why?
What word do we use to explain that God is three Person's in one God?
What is the GOOD NEWS? What is the gospel message?
Jesus was born. He died on the cross. He rose again. He ascended to heaven. If we believe in him we can have eternal life.
The Bible teaches us that God will punish (curse) those who change his word?
The Bible is useful for REPROOF. What does REPROOF mean?
It shows us our sin.