Which should we trust the most: a show on TV, a textbook, or the Bible
The Bible
What word do we use to explain that God is three Persons in one God?
Name one of the four ways the Bible is profitable, or useful, to us.
Teaching, Reproof, Correction, Training in righteousness
Who did God the Father send to help the writers of the Bible?
The Holy Spirit, the Helper
If we hear something about God that doesn't sound right, what should we do?
Check the Bible
Why can we trust the Bible? Give two words that describe it.
Perfect, sure, right, pure, true, righteous
Who are the three Persons of the Trinity?
God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit
What does doctrine mean?
God's truth
How long will God's Word last? How long will God preserve it?
What is the word we learned that means "good news"
What is one way God's Word can change us?
It can change our heart to love the things that God loves. It can make us wise. It can bring joy. It will help us to see what is really true.
Which of these three Persons was there in the very beginning, at the creation of the universe: God the Father, God the Son, or God the Holy Spirit?
All three of them
What does reproof mean?
showing us our sin
What does it mean that the apostles were eyewitnesses?
They were with Jesus. They saw what Jesus did and heard what he said.
The gospel is the good new. What is the bad news we talked about last week?
We are all sinners and God must punish sin.
Nam an attribute of God and what it means.
Holy, eternal, loving, faithful, sovereign, just, etc.
What words in the first verse of Genesis show that God existed BEFORE anything else was created?
In the beginning, God
What does it mean to train in righteousness?
helping us learn how to please God
What two sections of the Bible make up the COMPLETE Word of God?
The Old and New Testament
Who is the gospel about?
What word describes God as greater than we can imagine?
What does the creation show us?
That someone had to make it. There had to be a Creator. God's power.
What five questions should we ask as we read and study God's word?
Who? What? When? Where? Why?
What did King Jehoiakim do when he heard God's Word?
He got angry and cut it up and burned it.
What can happen if we listen to false teachers and their ideas?
It can get confusing when false ideas get mixed up with our beliefs. It will be hard to know what the truth really is.