The shared identity of a group of people, especially because of a common language and/or culture
What is collective identity?
The inclusion and interdependence of national economies around the world through trade and financial transactions
What is economic globalization?
The process where political decisions & actions are becoming increasingly international & governments' actions affect the citizens of other countries
What is political globalization?
What is cultural diversity?
The combination multiple media sources into one piece of technology
What is media convergence?
The process by which people's individual & collective identities are influenced by global media and communication, cultural contact and exchange
What is social globalization?
A business strategy to reduce costs by using workers & suppliers of products and services in countries where labour is cheaper & government regulations may be less strict
What is outsourcing?
Underwent multiple decades of land exploitation to supply the United States with oil
What is the Lubicon Cree?
The incorporation of cultural groups into mainstream society (ex. restaurants)
What is hybridization?
The ability to disconnect ourselves from the world
What is techno-isolation?
Combining elements from two different cultures to create something new
What is integration?
A company based in one country & produces their products in another country; ships products to countries around the world
What is a transnational corporation?
United Nations (UN), World Trade Organization (WTO), Group of Seven (G7), International Criminal Court (ICC)
What are global political organizations?
The spread of culture, trends, customs and practices around the world
What is universalization of pop culture?
A technological gap that separates the haves from the have nots
What is the digital divide?
The adoption of some cultural practices or values of another group, while keeping their own distinct culture.
Saving money by producing, using and buy goods & services in large quantities. "COSTCO"
What is economies of scale?
What is cultural accommodation?
The process of reaffirming and promoting individual and collective cultural identities
What is cultural revitalization?
What is media concentration?
The homogenization (lack of diversity) of films coming from Hollywood is an example of
What is Americanization?
The ability for nations to trade with each other without any demands or limits placed upon them
What is free trade
The Canadian government's creation of the Indian Act that prevented the use of language, culture, ceremony and government.
What is assimilation?
Prevents a group’s cultural identity from being neglected in favour of a more dominant culture within the media.
What are cultural content laws?
Facetime, ordering from Amazon, Flying, Public game servers are all examples of this
What are the benefits of technological globalization?