Factors of Production
Rational Decision Making
Economic Systems
Production Possibilities Curve

What is the definition of scarcity?

Wants are unlimited, while resources are limited


What are the four factors of production?

Land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship 


Rational decision making

A: marginal benefit>marginal cost

B: marginal benefit<marginal cost

C: marginal benefit=marginal cost

D: marginal benefit-marginal cost

A: marginal benefit>marginal cost


Most countries are which economy?

A: Command economy

B: Mixed economy

C: Market economy

D: None of the above

B: Mixed economy


Investing in technology leads to economic growth. Why is that?

It allows the economy to produce more goods and services


Opportunity cost is best described as the...

Value of the next best alternative forgone when a choice is made


Who is an example of an entrepreneur?

A: Jeff Bezos

B: Mark Zuckerberg

C: Steve Jobs

D: All of the above

D: All of the above


Marie decided to trade her iPhone 15 to her friend for a PS5 and both products work perfectly. Both Maria and her friend accepted the trade. We can conclude that

A: Neither party has gained from the exchange

B: Both parties gained because the exchange is voluntary

C: Marie is happy but her friend is not

D: The trade is fraudulent 

B: Both parties gained because the exchange is voluntary


Which country is a mixed economy?

A: Russia

B: United States

C: North Korea

D: Cuba

B: United States

What does point X show about the use of resources in this Production Possibilities Curve?

It shows that there is an impossible amount of resources being used in production


Human capital includes all of the following except

A: Skills

B: Political participation

C: Education

D: Training

B: Political participation 


What is an example of land (natural resources)?

A: Potatoes

B: Machines

C: Manager

D: Fryer

A: Potatoes


John and Taylor clean pools. Both of them change filters and vacuum the pool. Currently, John and Taylor do both jobs at the same time, but the process takes a long time. What would MOST likely improve their efficiency?

A: John changes the filters while Taylor vacuums the pool

B: John and Taylor reduce the number of pools they clean

C: John and Taylor change filters at the same time then vacuums together

D: None of the above

A: John changes the filters while Taylor vacuums the pool


What are the three basic economic questions?

A: What to produce?

B: How to produce?

C: For whom to produce?

D: All of the above

D: All of the above


What best explains the outward shift of the Production Possibilities Curve?

Improvements in technology


Walter earned $400 on his check from his job at Quiktrip. He has a choice of spending his check on Travis Scott concert tickets or saving his money. He decides to save his money. What represents Walter's opportunity cost?

Going to the Travis Scott concert


In economics, what term refers to workers?

A: Entrepreneurship 

B: Capital

C: Labor

D: Land

C: Labor


Bruster's producing only ice cream products and USPS focusing on delivering mail are examples of _______________



List some characteristics of a command economy

Governments has almost full control and citizens have little freedom


What is the opportunity cost from 1 of Good A to 2 of Good A

3 of Good B


List 5 ways to allocate scarce resources

Price, majority rule, contests, force, sharing, lottery, authority, first-come-first-served, personal characteristics


Michael decided to start a new company to detail cars. He bought his own cleaning supplies such as vacuums and soap while he runs his own business. Michael PRIMARILY represents which factor of production?



Define positive (pull) and negative (push) incentives

Positive: Less crime, cheaper housing, better schools

Negative: Traffic, overpopulated, high crime rate


How can the standard of living in a country increase?

Increase human capital (education and skills) and increase technology


Which point is underutilizing production on the Production Possibilities Curve?

