Colonial Days
Colonial Days 2
Causes of the Rev.
Causes of the Rev. 2

What country established colonies along the eastern coast of North America?

England / Great Britain


Which of these individuals would have been MOST likely to settle in one of the Mid-Atlantic/Middle colonies?

a member of the Puritan religious sect

a German immigrant searching for religious freedom and tolerance

a wealthy planter in search of cheap land for a cotton plantation

a widowed woman seeking full voting and property ownership rights

a German immigrant searching for religious freedom and tolerance


What was salutary neglect?

 The policy of the British Crown of avoiding strict enforcement of parliamentary laws



Describe what is meant by “no taxation without representation.”

 Many colonists believed that as they were not represented in the distant British parliament, any taxes it imposed on the colonists were unconstitutional, and a denial of the colonists' rights as Englishmen.


“Some people say that, because America has grown wealthy under Great Britain, the same will happen in the future. Nothing can be more false. . . . I answer that America would have become just as wealthy, and probably more, had no European power ever been involved.”

- Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

Which of these is the MOST LIKELY purpose of this passage?

  • A to convince the American colonies to separate from Britain

  • B. to convince the American colonies to remain under British rule

  • C to convince the American colonies to support the British in the war against Germany

  • D to convince the American colonies to dump British tea into Boston Harbor

  • A to convince the American colonies to separate from Britain


List the three colonial regions.

Southern, New England, Middle (or Mid-Atlantic)

  • Typically lower class Englishmen who couldn’t afford to pay for the voyage to North America but saw life in the colonies as an opportunity for economic advancement they would otherwise never have in England. 

  • Worked for a land owner in exchange for their passage to North America, usually for about seven years

Indentured Servant


Describe a favorable balance of trade under mercantilism.

A country’s exports exceed their imports.


What were the two sides in the French and Indian War?

The British and colonists vs. The French and their Native American allies


According to John Locke, when do people have the right to revolt against their government?

When the government fails to protect their rights


What was the first permanent English settlement on the North American continent?

Jamestown, Virginia


In which American colony did enslaved Africans first arrive?



Describe the TWO ways that colonies benefit the mother country under mercantilism.

  • Provide raw materials

  • Market for manufactured goods


Give at least three examples of things that would be subject to the Stamp Act.

Any paper goods.


List one key economic activity for each colonial region.

Answers will vary


Give an example of early colonial self-government.

  • Town halls in New England

  • the House of Burgesses in Virginia

  • Mayflower Compact

  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut


Describe two effects of salutary neglect.

  1. Colonial self-governance

  2. Colonies traded with other countries and colonies

  3. Colonies develop uniquely American culture

  4. Colonies are super mad when GB starts enforcing laws again → Revolutionary War


What caused salutary neglect?

What ended it?

  • England had been busy fighting France in Europe

  • High cost of the French and Indian War


Describe the methods of the Sons and Daughters of Liberty respectively.

SoL: violence, intimidation (burning effigies), vandalism (Boston Tea Party)

DoL: boycotting, making home-spun cloth


Which act of the British government in the period after the French and Indian War but before the American Revolution was the most tyrannical? Explain your answer.

Answers will vary.

Some options include:

  • Taxation without representation 

  • Intolerable Acts

  • Quartering Act

  • Proclamation of 1763

  • The Declaratory Act

  • Boston Massacre


Describe why the middle (mid-Atlantic) colonies were the most ethnically and religiously diverse.

  • Had been a Dutch colony previously. The Dutch encouraged immigration from various European countries, so when the English took over the colony, there were already people of various ethnicities there.

  • Maryland and Pennsylvania were religiously tolerant because they were both founded by religious minorities. (A Catholic and a Quaker)


Describe each leg of the triangular trade.

What is going where? From where is it going?


Describe how one could argue that the French and Indian War was an indirect cause of the American Revolution.

Answers may vary slightly.

  • Proclamation of 1763 angered colonists

  • Increased taxes + no representation in Parliament

  • End of salutary neglect—can no longer smuggle goods    

  • Less power for colonial governments

  1. What were the Intolerable Acts in response to?

  2. Describe at least TWO things that the Intolerable Acts did.

  • Boston Port Act: closed Boston Port

  • MA Gov. Act: got rid of MA’s locally elected gov., replaced with royally appointed leaders

  • Administration of Justice Act: colonists could be shipped to London for trial

  • Quartering Act: private citizens had to open their homes to British soldiers
