Healthcare professional that optimizes athletic performance thru proper nutrition and diet
Why are sports medicine professionals necessary/important?
Injuries happen = Job security
When was HIPAA brought into existence?
What the patient tells you goes into what category of SOAP note?
Pertaining to the Front
Pertaining to the Back
This career you can began once you have a high school diploma or GED. All you have to do is pass the CPT exam
Personal Trainer
Organization that represents high school athletics in state of Tennessee?
Identify the (2) sections of SOAP note:
(1) What you think is wrong with the patient?
(2) What further actions you have for the patient?
(1) Assessment
(2) Plan
Midline refers to what term?
Side to side refers what term?
Healthcare professional that has grown prominence over past 5-10 years in high school and collegiate levels. Goal is to achieve optimal performance thru exercise programs (resistance and non)
Positive correlation between higher level of fitness and a lower risk of ______?
Ideally someone trained and competent in __________ scenarios should respond to emergency situations
High stress, etc.
Main difference between "S" and "O"
Objective are measurable or observable
Posterior cavity houses what?
Anterior cavity houses what?
Posterior: spinal cord, brain, nervous system
Anterior: main organs, thoracic cavity (heart and lungs)
Main difference btw. Chiropractor and Massage Therapist
Chiro - focused on bony/skeletal and neuromuscular adjustments
Massage Therapist - focused on manual muscular therapy (certain body areas)
HIPAA stands for what?
Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act
Acronym for HIPAA and PHI
Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act
Protected Health Information
Important part of the "Plan" phase where you refer patient to next professional?
Continuity of Care/Service
Name 2 of the 3 planes of the body
Main difference btw. Physical Therapist and Occupational Therapist
PT - focused on post-surgery or certain body part after injury
OT - getting patients back to ADL's (in and out of the shower properly without falling)
Old school mentality vs. New School mentality
Giving the patient the freedom to choose responds to which medical ethic?
If you're not sure exactly what is wrong with a patient you make a list of what?
Differential Diagnoses - Diff. Dx.
Name the regional term for between the knee and ankle