Place Value

The number below is written in expanded notation.

40,000 + 3,000 + 100 + 80 + 5

How is this number written in standard form?

A 403,185

B 43,185

C 430,185

D 40,003,185



Bethany read 75/100 of a book last weekend. How is

75/100 written as a decimal?

A 75.00

B 7.5

C 0.75

D Not here

C 0.75


Morgan wrote the number 54,123. Then she wrote another number in which

the digit 2 has 10 times the value it has in the number 54,123. Which could be

the second number Morgan wrote?

A 78,235

B 62,541

C 24,458

D 75,842

A 78,235


The population of Texas is about twenty-six million, four hundred fifty

thousand. How is this number written in standard form?

A 26,450,000

B 26,400,050

C 26,000,450

D Not here

A 26,450,000


Eight-tenths of the trees in Hickory Park are apple trees. Which decimal below

represents the portion of trees that are NOT apple trees?

A 0.8

B 0.2

C 0.08

D 0.02

B 0.2


The distance from the Earth to the sun is 92,960,000 miles. The distance from

the Earth to the moon is 238,854 miles. Which of the following expressions is


A 92,960,000 < 238,854

B 238,854 > 92,960,000

C 238,854 < 92,960,000

D 92,960,000 = 238,854

B 238,854 > 92,960,000


The number below is written in expanded notation.

1,000 + 500 + 9 + 0.7 +0.04

How is this number written in standard form?

A 15,974

B 1,590.74

C 1,509.74

D 1,597.4

C 1,509.74


Marcus ordered a pizza for lunch. The pizza was cut into 10 equal sized slices,

and Marcus ate four slices for his lunch. Which decimal represents the fraction

of pizza Marcus has left?

A 6.0

B 0.4

C 0.6

D 0.06

C 0.6


Last summer approximately 450,000 people floated on the Guadalupe River in

New Braunfels. Which of the following could most likely be the actual number

of people who floated the river?

A 483,047

B 452,364

C 458,748

D 443,945

B 452,364


Pet ownership in the United States has nearly tripled in the past 40 years.

Currently there are about 164,000,000 owned pets in the United States. How

is this number written in words?

A One hundred million, sixty-four thousand

B One hundred sixty-four thousand

C One hundred sixty four million

D One hundred thousand, sixty-four hundred

A One hundred million, sixty-four thousand


Which of the following fractions is NOT equivalent to one-third?

A Five-fifteenths

B Three-ninths

C Eight-twenty fourths

D Ten- twelfths

C Eight-twenty fourths


Janie wrote the number 1,432,875. Maurice wrote a number in which the digit

3 has ten times the value as it does in Janie’s number. Which of the following

numbers could NOT be the number Maurice wrote?

A 321,875

B 5,346,596

C 3,541,578

D 364,874

B 5,346,596


The cost of a new bike is $456.74 after tax. What is the value of the digit

seven in this number?

A 70

B 7.0

C 0.07

D 0.7

D 0.7


Monica is reading a 50 page book. So far she has read 37 out of the 50 pages.

Which decimal is equivalent to 37/50 ?

A 0.37

B 0.64

C 0.74

D 0.5

A 0.37


The length of the Rio Grande River is 3,057 kilometers. What is the length of

the river to the nearest hundred kilometers?

A 3,000 kilometers

B 3,100 kilometers

C 3,060 kilometers

D 3,050 kilometers

B 3,100 kilometers
