Module 1 - Building Relationships
Capitalization and Periods
Module 2 - Classroom Procedures
Module 2 - Cell phones and Mindfulness
Module 3 - Classroom Tools

What are values?

A group of ideas, characteristics, or areas in life that are important to you.


Say what words need capital letters and where to add periods.

i am from honduras and i live in washington dc

I am from Honduras, and I live in Washington, DC.


What do you do at the beginning of class after you put your phone in the bin and get your materials?

I sit in my seat and do the warm-up.


What happens if Ms. Garcia sees your phone during class?

Ms. Garcia will take my phone and give it to Dr. Humphrey until the end of the day. Then, she will write a referral.


Who is Dr. Torres?

Dr. Torres is the Library Media Specialist.


How can you be successful in English class?

I can be successful in English class by working with my classmates and trying to speak in English. (many acceptable answers!)


Say what words need capital letters and where to add periods.

my name is juan and i go to roosevelt high school

My name is Juan, and I go to Roosevelt High School.


What should you do with your phone when you enter the classroom?

Put it in the phone bin.


What is a benefit of being off your phone during class?

A benefit of being off my phone during class is staying focused and getting my work done.


Where do you borrow books in our school?

I can borrow books from the Library Media Center.


How does your class win the Cohort Contest? What is the prize?

The class with the most checks at the end of the month is the winner. The class wins a DreamBox Reading Plus vacation for one week!


Say what words need capital letters and where to add periods.

my favorite book is the hunger games by suzanne collins

My favorite book is The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.


Where do you find the materials you need for class each day?

The materials that you need for the day are on the board when you comin the room. 


What is a Mindful Minute?

A Mindful Minute is a time in class when we take deep breaths and get ready to learn.


What do you need to borrow books or ebooks from the Prince George's County Library?

I need my school ID number to borrow books from PGCMLS.


How can collaboration help you in
English class?

Collaboration helps us in English class by making our work easier. (many answers are acceptable)


Say what words need capital letters and where to add periods.

i would like help with writing essays for my english class with ms garcia

I would like help with writing essays for my English class with Ms. Garcia.


What is "Three Before Me" mean?

If you are confused, ask 3 classmates first. If you are still confused, ask Ms. Garcia.


Show how to do Hand Trace Breathing.


What is NRI?

NRI stands for NoRedInk?


Explain a time that collaboration helped you. Why did collaboration help you?

One time, I _______. Collaboration helped me because ....


Say what words need capital letters and where to add periods.

i have a brother named luis and we like to visit central park in new york city

I have a brother named Luis, and we like to visit Central Park in New York City.


What do you do in the last 10 minutes of class?

  1. Put away all supplies (including your folder!) and clean up any mess.

  2. We will do the Cohort Contest points. 

  3. Ms. Garcia will return all cell phones.

  4. Push in your chair before you leave the class.


How can being mindful of big emotions help you?

Being mindful of being emotions helps create space between strong emotions and our actions, so we can make responsible decisions.


Why do we use NoRedInk in English class?

We use NoRedInk in English class to help us improve our grammar skills in English. This will  make us better writers. 
