The percent and decimal that are equivalent to this fraction: 75/100
75% and .75
Name the group or groups that -3.65 belongs to:
W- whole numbers, I- integers, R- rational numbers
R- rational numbers
Simplify this fraction: 6/18
Order these numbers from least to greatest:
10, 8, 4, 12, 20
4, 8, 10, 12, 20
If Mason spent $12 to buy Mrs. Villa's cat, Lucy, some cat food out of $20. What percentage represents the amount that he spent?
The decimal and fraction that are equivalent to this percentage: 20%
.20 and
Name the group or groups that 1 1/2 belongs to:
W- whole numbers, I- integers, R- rational numbers
R- rational numbers
Simplify this fraction: 48/50
Order these numbers from greatest to least:
10, -20, 13, 5, 0
13, 10, 5, 0, -20
Nate had $50 to spend at the football game, he spent $5 on a hamburger, $1 on a coke, and $3 on candy. What decimal represents what he spent?
The percent and fraction that are equal to this decimal: .5
50% and
Name the group or groups that -17 belongs to:
W- whole numbers, I- integers, R- rational numbers
Simplify this fraction: 80/100
Order these numbers in ascending order:
-1, -5, 2, 6, -4
-5, -4, -1, 2, 6
If Nayeli had $100 to buy snacks with and spent $15.50 on Takis and candy. What fraction would represent what Nayeli had left.
The percent and decimal equivalent to this fraction:
65% and .65
Name the group or groups that 11 belongs to:
W- whole numbers, I- integers, R- rational numbers
W- whole numbers, I- integers, and R- rational numbers
Simplify this fraction: 190/200
Order these numbers in descending order:
-1.5, -3.2, -1.6, 2.4, .3
2.4, .3, -1.5, -1.6, -3.2
Mr. Southard is bribing his classes with food to do good on their test. If he spends $30 on pizza and $25 on donuts, what percentage of his money was spent on donuts?
.bar 45
The decimal that is equivalent to this fraction: 4/9
A. .4bar 4
B. .45
C. .36
D. .33
.4 bar4
Name the group or groups that 13/1 belongs to:
W- whole numbers, I- integers, R- rational numbers
W- whole numbers, I- integers, and R- rational numbers
Simplify this fraction: 155/200
Order these numbers in ascending order:
-7.35, -6 1/3, 24/12, 20%, -.25
-7.35, -6 1/3, -.25, 20%, 24/12
Mackenzie had a bag of skittles, inside the bag were 120 skittles. Mackenzie doesn't like the yellow or purple ones so she only ate the red, orange, and green ones. If Mackenzie ate 36 skittles, what fraction represents the amount of skittles left (in the most simplest form)?