Vocabulary 2

Luis loved solving puzzles, and his favorite challenge was the giant jigsaw puzzle he had been working on for weeks. One night, when he was almost done, his younger sister accidentally knocked the puzzle off the table, scattering the pieces everywhere. Instead of getting angry, Luis calmly reassured her and started picking up the pieces, determined to finish it no matter what. 

1. What character trait does Luis show in this story?

  • A) Impulsive
  • B) Patient 
  • C) Angry
  • D) Stubborn

2. Based on Luis’s reaction, what can you infer about how he handles challenges in general? 

1. B) Patient (Correct Answer)

2. Answer: You can infer that Luis handles challenges with patience and calmness. Instead of getting upset or giving up, he stays focused and continues working toward his goal, showing perseverance.


Lila had always dreamed of being on the school soccer team. She practiced every day after school, determined to make the cut at tryouts. On the day of tryouts, however, disaster struck. As Lila was running her warm-up laps, she twisted her ankle badly. Despite the pain, she decided to continue with the tryouts. Each drill was more challenging than usual, and Lila struggled to keep up. Still, she pushed through, focusing on showing the coach her determination and skill. 

1. What is the inciting incident in the story that sets the main conflict in motion?

  • A) Lila wants to join the school soccer team.
  • B) Lila twists her ankle during tryouts. 
  • C) Lila practices after school every day.
  • D) Lila performs well in the tryouts.

2. Describe two events from the rising action that show how Lila faces challenges after the inciting incident.

1. B) Lila twists her ankle during tryouts. (Correct Answer)

2. Answer: The first event in the rising action is when Lila decides to continue with tryouts despite her injury. The second event is when she struggles through the drills, finding them more difficult than usual because of her ankle, but continues to push herself to show her determination.


Ethan had spent the whole summer building a treehouse in his backyard. He carefully planned each step, gathering materials and learning how to use tools from his father. After weeks of hard work, the treehouse was finally finished. Ethan invited his friends over, and they spent the afternoon playing games and telling stories inside the treehouse. By the end of the day, Ethan was proud of what he had accomplished, knowing that all his effort had been worth it. 

1. Which of the following best summarizes the story?

  • A) Ethan worked all summer on his treehouse and felt proud when it was finished. 
  • B) Ethan’s father built the treehouse while Ethan watched.
  • C) Ethan’s friends helped him build the treehouse in one day.
  • D) Ethan didn’t finish building the treehouse because he got bored.

2. What is the most important detail to include in a summary of this story? 

1. A) Ethan worked all summer on his treehouse and felt proud when it was finished. (Correct Answer)

2. The most important detail is that Ethan spent the summer building the treehouse himself, which shows his dedication and hard work. This is key because it explains why he felt proud at the end. 


What is summarizing?

When you summarize a text, you briefly state the main points and most important details in the text in your own words.


What is a protagonist?

The main character—the one the story revolves around and who usually has a problem to solve—is called the protagonist.


Mia was known for being quiet in class, but today she couldn’t stay silent. The school cafeteria had been serving the same tasteless food for weeks, and the students were frustrated. Mia decided to speak to the principal on behalf of her classmates. She gathered her thoughts and marched into the principal's office, politely explaining why the students were upset and suggesting healthier and tastier food options. The principal listened carefully and agreed to make changes. 

1. What character trait best describes Mia in this story?

  • A) Shy
  • B) Bold (Correct Answer)
  • C) Lazy
  • D) Impatient

2. What can you infer about how Mia’s classmates will feel after she speaks to the principal? 

1. B) Bold (Correct Answer)

2. You can infer that Mia’s classmates will feel grateful and proud of her for standing up for them. Since the principal agreed to make changes, they will likely be happy that Mia took action on their behalf. 


Ben had always been shy and never thought he could perform in front of a crowd. But when his teacher encouraged him to join the school play, he reluctantly agreed. For weeks, Ben struggled to memorize his lines and build his confidence. On the night of the performance, his heart pounded as he stepped onto the stage. Halfway through the play, he suddenly forgot his lines. The audience was silent. Just when he thought he would have to walk off stage, he remembered the next part of the dialogue and finished the scene. After the performance, the audience erupted into applause, and Ben realized he had conquered his fear.


What is the climax of the story, the turning point where the main character faces the biggest challenge?

  • A) Ben struggles to memorize his lines for the play.
  • B) Ben walks onto the stage for the first time.
  • C) Ben forgets his lines on stage but then remembers them and continues. D) The audience applauds after the performance.

2. Describe the resolution of the story. How does Ben's problem get solved, and how does he feel at the end?

  1. C) Ben forgets his lines on stage but then remembers them and continues. (Correct Answer)
  2. The resolution of the story happens when Ben finishes the performance successfully, and the audience applauds. He realizes that he has conquered his fear of performing, and this gives him a sense of pride and accomplishment.

During recess, Emma noticed that her friend Sarah was sitting alone on a bench, looking sad. Emma walked over and asked if everything was okay. Sarah shared that she was worried about an upcoming test. Emma offered to study with Sarah after school, and Sarah smiled, feeling relieved that she wouldn’t have to prepare for the test alone. 

1. What is the best summary of the story?

  • A) Emma helps Sarah feel better about the test by offering to study together. 
  • B) Sarah was worried about the test and decided not to take it.
  • C) Emma tells Sarah she doesn’t have time to study with her.
  • D) Sarah fails her test because she didn’t study with Emma.

2.What is the most important detail that shows how Emma helps Sarah feel better? Explain your answer.

1. A. Emma helps Sarah feel better about the test by offering to study together. (Correct Answer)

2. Answer: The most important detail is when Emma offers to study with Sarah after school. This action reassures Sarah and makes her feel less worried about the test.


What is plot?

The events that take place in a story or narrative are called the plot.


True or False:
We write summaries using the author's words.

False - we take the author's words and put them into our own.


Jacob had always been afraid of heights, but he didn’t want his friends to know. When they suggested going rock climbing, he hesitated but agreed. As they reached the top of the cliff, Jacob felt his fear growing. However, with each step, he reminded himself to stay calm. By the time he reached the top, he felt a sense of accomplishment. 

1. How does Jacob’s character change in the story?

  • A) He becomes more afraid of heights.
  • B) He overcomes his fear.
  • C) He refuses to continue the climb.
  • D) He tries but fails to reach the top.

2.What is the theme of this story? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. 

1. B) He overcomes his fear.

2. The theme is facing fears, as shown by Jacob's decision to climb despite his fear of heights.


The village had suffered a drought for months. The crops were dying, and the animals were getting weaker. One day, a traveler came through and suggested digging a new well. The villagers were skeptical but decided to try. After days of hard work, they finally found water, and the village was saved. 

1. What role does the traveler play in the structure of the story?

  • A) He causes more problems for the village.
  • B) He encourages the villagers to give up.
  • C) He provides the solution to the village’s problem.
  • D) He moves on without helping the village.

2. What is the central message of the story, and how is it conveyed?

1. C) He provides the solution to the village’s problem.

2. The central message is that perseverance and openness to new ideas can lead to success. This is conveyed through the villagers’ hard work and decision to dig a new well.


Katie had practiced for months for the school talent show. She was going to perform a piano solo in front of the whole school. On the day of the show, Katie was nervous, but as soon as she started playing, she forgot her fears and focused on the music. When she finished, the audience gave her a standing ovation, and Katie felt proud of her hard work. 

1. What is the best summary of the story?

  • A) Katie is nervous before the show but gains confidence and performs successfully. 
  • B) Katie forgets her piano piece and is embarrassed in front of the audience.
  • C) Katie refuses to perform because she is too nervous.
  • D) Katie only practiced for a few days before the talent show.

2. What is the most important detail that shows why Katie felt proud at the end of the story? Explain your answer.

1. A) Katie is nervous before the show but gains confidence and performs successfully. (Correct Answer)

2. Answer: The most important detail is that the audience gave Katie a standing ovation after her performance. This shows that her hard work paid off, and she was proud of the result.


What happens at the inciting incident?

The reader learns about the first point of conflict in the story. 


What is dialogue?

A conversation between characters. 


Sasha had always been fascinated by the stars. Every night, she would sit by her window with a telescope, trying to spot new constellations. One evening, she noticed a particularly bright star that seemed to twinkle just for her. She felt an inexplicable connection to it, as though it was guiding her toward something she couldn’t yet understand. 

1. How does the setting of the story contribute to its mood and theme?

2. What do Sasha's actions and feelings reveal about her personality?

1. The setting (night, stars) creates a peaceful, thoughtful mood, which supports the theme of exploration and discovery.

2. Sasha’s actions show her curiosity and desire to understand the world, reflecting her personality as a dreamer and explorer.


Lily stood nervously in front of the class. She had practiced her speech for days, but now that it was time to present, her mind went blank. The room was so quiet that she could hear her own heartbeat. Taking a deep breath, she finally began speaking. Slowly, her confidence returned as she remembered the words she had memorized. By the time she finished, the class burst into applause. 

1. What is the theme of the story? Support your answer with evidence from the text.

2. How does the author develop the rising action in the story? Explain the effect of this structure on the reader.

1. The theme of the story is overcoming fear. Evidence: Lily gains confidence as she speaks.

2. The rising action develops as Lily begins to speak and gradually gains confidence, building suspense as readers wonder if she will succeed.


Tom had been looking forward to the school field trip to the science museum for weeks. When the day finally arrived, he eagerly climbed onto the bus with his classmates. At the museum, Tom was fascinated by the dinosaur skeletons and spent extra time reading about each exhibit. By the end of the day, he couldn’t stop talking about all the amazing things he had learned.

1. Which of the following best summarizes the story?

  • A) Tom didn’t enjoy the field trip to the science museum.
  • B) Tom couldn’t attend the field trip because he was sick.
  • C) Tom was excited about the field trip and loved learning about the exhibits. (Correct Answer)
  • D) Tom was bored during the field trip to the museum.

2. What is the most important detail that shows why Tom enjoyed the field trip? Explain your answer.


1. C) Tom was excited about the field trip and loved learning about the exhibits. (Correct Answer)

2. Answer: The most important detail is that Tom spent extra time reading about each exhibit and couldn’t stop talking about what he learned, showing how much he enjoyed the trip.


What is indirect vs direct characterization?

Direct characterization is when an author explicitly describes a character's traits, while indirect characterization is when an author shows the character's traits through their actions, dialogue, or thoughts.


When is conflict at its lowest?

When is conflict at its highest?

When is the conflict building?

Think Plot!

Exposition and Resolution

Climax/Turning Point

Rising Action


Marcus watched the rain pour down, drenching the soccer field. His team had practiced all season for this big game, and now it looked like they wouldn’t get to play. As the sky grew darker, the coach blew the whistle, signaling the game’s cancellation. Disappointed but determined, Marcus vowed to practice even harder for the next match. 

1. How does Marcus change throughout the story? Provide details that show his character development.

2. What is the central message of the story, and how does it relate to Marcus's actions?

Marcus is upset at first but at the end he is determined to practice harder for his next match.

The central message is determination in the face of disappointment, shown by Marcus’s vow to practice harder after the game is canceled.


The small town of Greenwood had always been peaceful until one summer when a group of coyotes began appearing near the woods. At first, the townspeople were scared, but soon they realized the coyotes weren’t dangerous. In fact, they helped control the overpopulation of rabbits that had been destroying the gardens. The town learned to live peacefully alongside their new wild neighbors. 

1.What is the theme of the story, and how is it communicated through the events?

2. How does the problem in the story lead to its resolution? **BONUS: Explain how the structure impacts the development of the theme.

1. The theme is learning to coexist with nature. The events, especially the coyotes helping with the rabbit problem, demonstrate this.

2. The problem of the coyotes leads to the resolution of understanding their role in nature, which helps develop the theme of balance between humans and wildlife.


Sam’s little brother, Max, had been asking for help with his math homework all week. Sam was busy with his own schoolwork but finally decided to sit down and help. After a few minutes of explaining, Max began to understand. Sam felt proud seeing his brother improve, realizing that sometimes helping others is just as rewarding as doing well yourself.

1. Which of the following best summarizes the story?

  • A) Sam ignores his brother’s homework request.
  • B) Sam helps Max and feels proud when Max improves. 
  • C) Max refuses to do his homework, so Sam does it for him.
  • D) Sam struggles with his own homework and asks Max for help.

 2. What is the most important detail that shows why Sam feels proud at the end of the story? Explain your answer.

1. B) Sam helps Max and feels proud when Max improves. (Correct Answer)

2. The most important detail is that Max begins to understand his homework after Sam explains it. This shows that Sam’s efforts helped his brother improve, making Sam feel proud. 


What is S.T.E.A.L.? What do we use it for?

Speech, thoughts, effects on others, actions, and looks

Characterization - to analyze our characters


Draw the plot diagram including ALL six terms.

Exposition, Inciting Incident, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution
