Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

A solemn agreement of faithfulness between God and his people.

What is a covenant? (100 bonus points if you can name the three people God made a covenant with in the Old Testament).


The high point of God's creation.  Created with the ability to reason, think, love, and form relationships.  

Who are we (humans)?


The realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.

What is Faith?  (100 bonus points if you name one of the most important models of faith from the Old Testament).  


Was told by the angel Gabriel that she would conceive in her womb and bear a son. 

Who is Mary?  (100 bonus points if you can name the event where Gabriel spoke with Mary).  


Being blessed with the presence and love of God.

What is Holy?


This would replace the old covenant as God's plan for the people's salvation.

What is the New Covenant?  (100 bonus points if you can tell us when the New Covenant was made).


A man that God revealed himself to through a burning bush.

Who is Moses?  (100 bonus points if you can name the book of the Bible that this happened in).

The event where Adam and Eve chose to turn away from God.

What is The Fall?  (100 bonus points if you can say what we call that first sin Adam and Eve made).  


The conception of Mary in her mother's body in preparation for her becoming the mother of Jesus Christ.

What is the Immaculate Conception?  (100 bonus points if you can say the "Hail Mary" without using your book).  


A non-Christian religion that is a response to God's Revelation in the Old Testament.

What is the Jewish faith?


This is the process of passing on the Gospel message from Christ to the Apostles to their successors.

What is Sacred Tradition?  


The central mystery of our faith that we could never figure out on our own without God revealing it to us.

What is the Blessed Trinity?  (50 bonus points if you can name the three persons of the trinity).  


A state of being in perfect friendship with God when we die.  

What is Heaven?  (100 bonus points if you can name and define the other two states of being when we die).


After Jesus' resurrection, he appeared to the Apostles, and then was lifted up and taken by a cloud from their sight.  

What is the Ascension?  (100 bonus points if you can say how many days after his resurrection this happened)


The four marks of the Church.

What is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic?


A part of the Bible where we learn the story of Jesus Christ's Death, Resurrection, and Ascension.

What are the Gospels?  (100 bonus points if you can name the four gospel books)


This messenger invited people to repent in preparation for the messiah.

Who is John the Baptist?  (100 bonus points if you can define the word "Messiah").  

When all people will be brought before Jesus Christ to give him an account of their actions.

What is the Last Judgement?  


When God the Son became flesh; both fully divine and fully human.  

What is Incarnation?


The successor of the Apostle Peter (who had the "Keys to the Kingdom").

Who is the Pope?  (100 bonus points if you can explain what having the keys to the kingdom means).


This man traveled with 6 other priests preaching the Gospel.  They became known as the Order of Preachers, and today we call them Dominicans.  

Who is Saint Dominic?  


The day that the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles and the Church.

What is the Pentecost?  


The day of the year when the Church remembers in her prayers all those who have died.

What is All Soul's Day?  (100 bonus points if you know the date of All Soul's Day).  


A prayer that professes that Christ "descended into hell".  

What is the Apostles Creed?  (Let's all say the Apostle's Creed found on page 237).  


A lady who taught poor girls about God and how to read and write in a time when many girls did not go to school.  

Who is Saint Angela Merici?
