Talking to friends and spending time with family improves what dimension of health?
The three major influences of health are...
Environment, Heredity, Behavior
What does the "D" in the decision making model stand for
Define the problem
Healthy or not? My goal is to lose 25 pounds in 2 weeks
What dimension of health involves keeping your body active, eating well, and getting enough sleep?
Air pollution affecting your ability to exercise outdoors is an example of what influence.
environmental health influence
True or False: You should identify resources of help when setting S.M.A.R.T. goals
What do both "E"s in the decide model stand for
Explore the alternatives, evaluate your decision
Your actions and behaviors affect:
A) Only you
B) You and your future kids
C) You and others around you
C) You and others around you
What are three examples of traits passed down from parent to child (heredity)
Addiction, Mental illness, Heart disease, Cancer, Alzheimer's, Arthritis
Setting a deadline for your goal is an aspect of which part of the acronym S.M.A.R.T.
What are two factors that come into play when making a decision
Values & information
True or false: sometimes it's okay to take the risk and text while driving
False- texting while driving is very dangerous and can lead to horrible consequences
List the 5 dimensions of health
What are the 3 kinds of environments that influence us?
Physical environment, Social environment, Cultural environment
Is this SMART?
I want to increase my pacer score from 40 to 70 by the end of the semester by running 4 times a week
Yes, it is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely
There are 4 types of decisions, which one is this? -- when there is no other decision that can be made
Your outlook on situations is the definition of:
A) Your goals
B) Decision making
C) Attitude
C) Attitude
Use 2 words or phrases to describe the 3 dimensions of the health triangle
Physical: diet, exercise, sleep, medication use, visits to the doctor
Mental/Emotional: high self-esteem, ability to express feelings, ability to cope with challenges, quest to attain new information, explore beliefs and values, make reasoned decisions,
Social: friendships, managing conflict, social networks, participation in groups or clubs, communication skills
Environment, behavior, and heredity influence our ____ and ____
Health & Decision Making
What does S.M.A.R.T. stand for
Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely
What are the 4 kinds of decisions?
What is the definition of abstinence?
a voluntary choice not to do something