On topographic maps contour lines show _______ in elevation, regardless of the province or nation.
I'm an atlantic province, and in that time zone I do lie, Fredericton is my capital, where 58,000 reside.
New Brunswick
It's 6 o'clock in the 6ix and 7 in Halifax, but I need to know the time in Montreal, before I can relax.
6 o'clock, same as Toronto. Same time zone, Eastern Standard Time.
Lake Ontario, Eerie, Huron and more, guess the remaining Great Lakes to get this score..
Lake Superior and Michigan.
Contour lines, contour lines, when they're close together the change in elevation is ______ when they're far, it's less than a leap.. (shallow/gradual)
I'm an outlier time zone, I don't follow suit, I'm on the eastern side of Canada, what do ya knooo aboot? Who am I?
Newfoundland time zone (difference of 30 mins)
Toronto is to Ottawa as Ontario is to _________
I'm an index contour, I help people read maps, describe what I'm like, do it in ALL CAPS.
Thicker contour line, every 5th line, *often labeled.
I'm an important line on the globe, with a funny shape much like a notch or ear lobe. I designate a change in date, I live in the middle of the pacific, some say in the middle of nowhere for goodness sake!
International Date Line
I'm the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, I happen around June 21st, it's pretty clear.
Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.
Potatoes, gold rushes and white-horses? You've learned about this territory in many previous courses..
I'm an oblate spheroid that people try to flatten, the most common projection, sharing me just happens. I'm distorted at the poles and in the centre, can you name this projection and help me remember?
The Mercator projection
UTC, GMT, Prime Meridian, what is it, what does it all mean?
Greenwich, England
World's Time Standard - All time zones are made relative to the time in this location.
Seasons, solstices, equinoxes, Day light savings, and more, only two things are to blame here, of that I'm sure!
The Earth's tilt and orbit
Yellowknife is to Iqaluit as... _______ is to _______..
Northwest Territories is to Nunavut
Time zones were not always a thing, with modernity they did bring. I need to know why, tell me more, encore, encore, so I can be sure.
Equinoxes do happen it's true, in between solstices, there's two!
When do equinoxes happen?
When neither north nor southern hemispheres are tilted towards the sun.
Victoria and St.John, these provinces named their capitals after people.. Am I wrong?
British Columbia and Newfoundland and Labrador