What is the purpose of a resume?
To highlight qualifications and experience for a position
This tax form reports a person’s total income and deductions from the entire year and is needed to complete the tax return form.
What is the first step to Successful Financial Planning?
Track income and expenses
What is the first step to creating an effective budget?
Track income and expenses
Give 1 example of a liquid asset.
Cash, savings account, or checking account
Define Liquid Assets
An item with a monetary value that is cash right now; it does not need to be sold or wait for “mature” period
What is the purpose of a cover letter?
To inform the employer why you are interested in a position
Give 2 examples of employee benefits.
Retirement account (401k), perks, insurance, paid time off, etc…
What is the second step to Successful Financial Planning?
Create a SMART financial goal
When allocating money to your expense categories, how much of your planned income should be used; or how much should be left over?
All of the Planned Income should be used, there should $0 left over
What type of liability are credit cards?
Current liability
What is the difference between gross pay and net pay?
net pay = gross - taxes
Gross pay = income before taxes & deductions Net pay = income after taxes & deductions
Give 1 example of a soft skill and 1 example of a hard skill.
Soft skill = work hard, punctual, friendly, etc… Hard skill = operate technology/machine; take blood, anything that is a technical skill
People without itemized deductions will use this tax return form.
What is the fifth step to Successful Financial Planning?
Create and use a budget
Give 1 example of a fixed expense and 1 example of a variable expense that could be found a person’s budget.
Fixed expense = rent, car payment, insurance, cell phone Variable expense = food, gas, clothes
How is net worth calculated?
Total Assets minus Total Liabilities = Net Worth
Debt in which the total dollar value is expected to be paid after one year or longer
long-term liability
What are 3 components required on a resume?
Heading, education, work experience/volunteer experience
Give 1 example of an optional deduction and 1 required deduction found on a paystub.
Optional = insurance, retirement Required = social security, Medicare, federal withholding
What does the acronym S.M.A.R.T. stand for?
S=specific, M=measurable, A=attainable, R=realistic, T=time bound
What is the second step to creating an effective budget?
Create personalized income & expense categories
Give 2 examples of a long-term liability.
Car loan, mortgage, student loan
Debt in which the total dollar value is expected to be paid within one month or year.
current liability
What are 3 ways of “Investing in Yourself” to become more employable?
Education, part-time job, internship, extra-curricular activities, volunteering, job shadowing
Explain how the number of allowances claimed on a W-4 form will affect a person’s paycheck.
More allowances = larger paycheck; less allowances = smaller paycheck
What are steps three and four to Successful Financial Planning?
Step 3 – Identify options AND Step 4 – evaluate alternatives
What are all 5 steps to creating an effective budget?
Track income and expenses, create categories, allocate money to categories, implement & control your budget, review & revise
Describe 2 ways to increase a person’s net worth.
Add items to your assets (without adding to liabilities); pay off liabilities using income (without taking away from assets)
Money received from sources other than working
unearned income