Give an example of self care!
[any answer that the teacher accepts]
What is the NEUROLOGICAL reason that teens are more likely to take risks?
Their brains are not yet fully developed (specifically: pre-frontal cortex)
Student Learning Outcomes
Which Wellness Framework element has to do with the book we are reading by bell hooks, All About ____?
What are the FIVE love languages?
- Quality Time
- Words of Affirmation
- Acts of Service
- Gifts
- Physical touch
True or false: self-care looks different for everyone
At what age is the typical human brain fully developed?
Which SLO did you exemplify by creating a Take Care List?
Self Advocacy
Which Wellness Framework element can be defined as "your why" or "you reason for doing things"?
What is the definition of love that bell hooks uses?
That it is action taken to foster one's own or another's growth.
FALSE! Self-care is often commercialized, but it can be going outside for a walk, taking a hot shower, talking to a friend, or other FREE.99 activities!
When we've "flipped our lid" or the "F responses" are happening, what part of the brain is in charge? (scientific term, not just "little brain")
The amygdala
What are the six SLOs? Gateway students will be...
- Self-advocates
- Community Leaders
- Respectful of Differences
- Models of Integrity
- Resilient
- Critical & Creative Thinkers
Which Wellness Framework element is a human psychological need, without which we cannot thrive?
Where did the idea of "self-care" originate?
Black Feminist social justice movements & leaders of the 1960s-70s
What are some ways teens can reduce the harm of risk-taking in their lives?
- build strong connections
- know yourself
- stay engaged in (or find new) hobbies
You might have seen the mural in the staircase of a woman in hijab in front of a mosque. This was painted by a Christian-identified GHS senior who did research onto anti-Christian discrimination in the US, and when he learned that there was very little and actually Islamophobia is much more common, he painted this mural for his Community Action Project. Which SLO(s) did he show?
- Respectful of Differences
- Community Leadership
- Critical & Creative Thinking
Which Wellness Framework element is a skill that can be improved through practices like mindfulness?
[something along the lines of...] caring for ourselves and our well-being in a society that tries to oppress us and use us is a political act of resistance! (against racism, capitalism, sexism, etc)
Explain the gas/brakes metaphor for the teen brain
Teens have a fully developed "gas pedal" - or little brain/amygdala. They seek pleasure and fun and can do most skills. They don't yet have a "brake pedal," or the executive function/cause and effect pre-frontal cortex, which helps them slow down, plan, or make better decisions.