Literary Devices
This story is the published diary of a girl who narrates her years in hiding from the Nazis in Amsterdam, Holland.
What is Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl
Device in which you use clues from the story, as well as your own knowledge, to make a guess about things the author doesn't say directly.
What is Making Inferences?
A person, particularly someone young, with exceptional talent and ability
What is a prodigy?
This character from Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl is an impatient, lecturing, nosy, controlling dentist.
Who is Mr. Dussel?
Unscramble the vocabulary word, and fill in the blank. utcidaya I couldn't believe the _____________ that boy had to talk back to his mother that way.
What is audacity?
This story includes two bumbling criminals whose plan for a kidnapping goes awry.
What is The Ransom of Red Chief?
How is suspense used in The Tell Tale Heart?
What is repeated words, exclamations, sounds, alliteration, narrator's feelings, words associated with fear or dread, etc...?
Replace the word "stealthily" in the following sentence: I stealthily stole the Jelly Bellys from my sister's purse when she wasn't looking.
What is secretly, quietly, carefully, slyly, etc...?
Use 2 words to describe Bill Driscoll.
What is pudgy, unintelligent, scared, pathetic, etc...?
Discuss one major external conflict, and one major internal conflict from Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. Explain the type of conflict that it is (character vs...).
Answers will vary.
In this play, written originally for radio broadcast, a man is tormented by the reappearances of a "roadside wanderer."
What is The Hitchhiker?
What element of plot is left out of The Elevator, and why do you think it is?
What is resolution? To add excitement or intrigue, to allow the reader to make predictions?
True or False: A roller coaster ride is most likely a monotonous experience.
What is false?
This character from Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl is mild-mannered, sentimental, critical of Anne, and at one point, threatens to kick Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan out of the annex for being unfair with food portions.
Who is Edith Frank?
List the 3 types of external conflict. (Character vs...)
What is character, nature, society?
In this short story, whose resolution is unknown, a boy can't seem to escape the presence of a...plump?...woman on the "mechanical hoist" in his building complex.
What is The Elevator?
Provide 2 examples of irony from The Ransom of Red Chief.
What is kidnappers want to return child, kidnappers threaten to return child, child begs not to be returned, child enjoys being kidnapped, father demands payment in exchange for his son, kidnappers pay to release child back with his father, etc...?
What is a synonym for the word sinister?
What is evil, ominous, threatening, terrible, etc...?
Use 4 words to describe Johnny Dorsett.
What is talkative, rude, reckless, wild, disrespectful, playful, etc...?
What does CAPE stand for in reference to foreshadowing?
What is Concrete, Abstract, Prominent, Evocative?
In one story, a man brutally murders a helpless elderly gentleman who can't help it that his eye is a little cloudy, later suddenly overcome with paranoia and guilt about his crime. In the other, a sassy athlete from Harlem prepares for the big May Day race, and beating her snooty competitor, Gretchen. After winning, her focus shifts to training her mentally handicapped brother instead.
What are The Tell Tale Heart and Raymond's Run?
List 2 examples of foreshadowing used in The Hitchhiker; explain what type each one is (CAPE).
Answers will vary.
Use the word hypocritical in a sentence.
Answers may vary.
Use 5 words to characterize Anne Frank.
What is creative, sensitive, outspoken, emotional, a dreamer, optimistic, rowdy, playful, etc...?
List the 5 elements of plot in order.
What is Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution?