CCC Cycle
Classroom Applications
Co-constructing culture
Ideal Learning environment

What is Constructivist Learning Theory?

I understand constructivist learning theory to be a teaching method that combines past experiences, active learning, and reflections in the classroom with a student centered approach emphasizing big concepts with project-based learning, and having my students apply what they have learned in context.


What is the first phase of the CCC cycle? Explain

Consider. Consider your own prior knowledge and experiences while thinking about where are we going? and What is going to happen?


What is engagement? And How might you get your students engaged?

I would define engagement as taking part in/ or participating in something. In order to engage my students I will try to keep the lessons as active, interesting, diversified, and challenging as I can.


What is good classroom culture?

Good classroom culture to me would be a culture that is built on the idea of supporting students social, emotional, and physical needs and development. This good classroom culture should be created through shared language, and experiences that they have and that I teach them.

What is a safe learning environment?

A safe learning environment is a place of trust, empathy, and openness. It is also where students feel supported both physically and mentally. Where students can stand up for each other.


What did Vygotsky teach us about constructivism?

Lev Vygotsky was a psychologist that was most commonly known for because of his psychological studies he did with children. Vygotsky was focused most on social constructivism. Social constructivism is where cognitive behaviors and tendencies are the result of social interactions. 

What is the second phase of the CCC cycle? Explain

Construct. To construct is to take part in an authentic learning experience. This is something that is lived and is meaningful to the learner.


What are the different levels of engagement?

There are five levels of engagement that fall in a ladder form. The first is Active Disengagement which falls at the lowest level of engagement where the student is willfully resisting to engage in the lesson. Second is passive disengagement where the student is not engaged in the lesson but briefly re-engages when prompted by the teacher. Third level is passive engagement, this is where I feel most students sit on the ladder. At this level they are engaged as much as necessary to complete the tasks. The fourth level is Extrinsic active engagement which is full attention and active participation as long as it is expected. Lastly the highest level of engagement is level five; Intrinsic active engagement. This is where the student gives full attention and participation in the lesson without any the requirement of extrinsic motivation. 


How do relationships affect classroom culture?

Relationships are a huge factor in classroom culture. 


What might be some "I will" statements that will be implemented into your classroom?

I will statements are very important for both myself as a teacher and for the class that I'm teaching. I want to make sure that they can hold me accountable and I do the same for them. These are just a few:

I will have a formal greeting for all my students everyday. I will make it a point to talk with each of my students about something other than school. I will treat all my students with respect. I will be someone my students can trust and count on. I will create goals and follow through with them. 


What might the implementation of CLT look, sound, and feel like?

Constructivist learning should sound loud, and noisy because of all the meaningful, and beneficial conversations/discussions that are going on. It might look like students working in pairs, or groups using hands on activities that are active and diverse. It should feel safe, supportive, and positive amongst classmates and the teacher.


What is the third phase in the CCC cycle? Explain.

Confirm. This is where you take the time and see if you can make sense of the learning that was taking place (to confirm it). This can be done through assessments, discussions, and reflections.


Give an example of how you might get your students to climb a rung on the engagement ladder?

Lets say that I have a student sitting on level three of engagement, they are just doing what's necessary to complete the tasks and that's it. I would try and ask for their input on ideas of activities to do for the upcoming material. I think this would help the student to climb to a level four or five on the engagement ladder because if the student felt that the previous activities were just there because they had to be there, they weren't as engaged in it, but if we were doing something this student came up with they will put more effort in participation, possibly without extrinsic motivation.


What is culturally responsive pedagogy?

Culturally responsive pedagogy is something where a students' cultural differences are identified and promoted through a student-centered approach to teaching.


What does an an Ideal Learning environment look, feel, and sound like?

An ideal learning environment looks like groups of students working together to solve a shared problem, sounds like positive and supportive discussions and reasonings between classmates, and feels safe and secure. An ideal learning environment in my mind is also a place where creativity, and passion drives the students to learn. I think I can achieve this by incorporating as many diverse, active, and exciting activities and lessons as I can into my classroom.


What did Piaget tell us about individual constructivism?

Piaget was a man of many talents but was most famous for his theories of cognitive development, along with the stages that he proposed went with it. Piaget was focused on the child as an individual and stated that a child's cognitive development is not just them accessing knowledge, but rather a growth that occurs through innate activities, experiences, and relationships.


How might the CCC cycle transition someone from an essentialist education experience to a constructivist one?

The CCC cycles purpose is to create a constructivist environment. This cycle will transition someone from an essentialist experience where the teacher is just lecturing to the students about the basics/essential skills that they think will prepare them for life, into an experience where the student will gather their own information and experiences to prepare themselves. By taking the time to consider, construct, and confirm the student is building their own knowledge rather than taking the teachers word for what they think is best for them.


What is flow and how might you know if your students are achieving it?

Flow is something that any learner can achieve, it is where they are so involved in what they are doing (activity) that nothing else gets in their way of learning what they want to learn. You might know your students are achieving flow if they are actively engaging in the activities you have without providing any extrinsic motivation for them. Flow is usually passion driven.


How might you try to improve your relationship with a student that is a level 1 on the latter of engagement? Give an example

I would do one of two things depending on the situation. I might pull this student aside after class and let them know that I am here for them. I want this student to know that I am not trying to make their life difficult, and that if they would like to talk to me personally about why they might be willfully disengaging in class I am open to listening. I want to provide the opportunity for the student to open up to me. If I feel that confronting them about classroom behavior is not the right move, I might try and get to know this student outside of class, what they might be going through and try to find them the help that they need.


Does how people learn affect the environment you create in your classroom? Explain.

Yes, not every person learns in the same way. I think this would greatly affect the learning environment in my classroom because I am going to try to diversify my teaching methods so that every student in my classroom gets an understanding of the material. In my science classroom I would try to have posters throughout the room that relate to material, try and have videos that are relevant, hands on experiments, etc.


What are Tate's two favorite seasons?

Hunting season and fishing season.


What is Tate's birthday month?



What is Tate's favorite holiday?



How might you build a social contract in your classroom?

I would encourage students with the positives instead of the negatives, "I will" rather than "no". I want my students to be known and apart of a community in my classroom. I might achieve this in a few ways. Examples include; introduction games/activities, decorating their desk, teamwork games/group activities, etc.


How will I assess my students?

I will use a variety of assignments in my classroom. I will have a plethora of formative assignments, but want these assignments to be as relatable to the students as possible. I will assign projects/case studies to my students that will allow them to choose any topic they may want as long as it can some way relate to science. I think this gives the students the best opportunity to create flow because they should be passionate about a topic that they can write on.
