Character Motivation & Actions
Controlling Idea &
Text Evidence
Sentence Fragments


The author organizes the information in the selection mainly by —

G. describing advancements in speech-recognition technology as well as some concerns about it



The details in paragraph 5 support the idea that —

D. human communication involves features that cannot easily be replicated by computers



(1) Maria was not watching her plate of barbecue very carefully. (2) So Santana, the family beagle, snatched a chicken leg hanging over the edge. (3) As baked beans and potato salad slid onto Maria's new sandals.

C. Sentence 3



Which sentence from the selection best explains why some people may prefer human-to-human communication?

A. Despite the efficiency of these systems, many people find them impersonal, stilted, and sometimes frustrating.



 What is the main idea of paragraphs 7 and 8?

J. The use of speech-recognition technology poses a variety of potential problems.


#16. (1) Filled with anxiety for what grade she might find. (2) Nancy peeked at the last page of the essay. (3) The big red A sent waves of relief radiating through her body.

Which sentence contains a fragment?

F. Sentence 1



 The author’s main purpose in writing this selection is to —

A. describe the history of and advances in speech-recognition technology



According to the selection, speech-software developers are still striving to develop speech recognition technology that —

C. makes people feel as if they are speaking to a human


#17. (A) While thunder boomed in the distance, Margaret started off on her daily five-mile run. (B) Confident that she had plenty of time before the storm arrived. (C) Wet hair and clothes plastered to her body proved that she could not outpace Mother Nature

Which sentence is a fragment?

B. Sentence 2



 In paragraph 8, the word conceded means

D. to give in and allow a favor or privilege



Read paragraph 3.

"But I was born to do the long jump. My instinct is to jump," Teresa said as she sat on a bench. "When I'm on the Olympic team, you'll see what I mean."

Teresa’s comments show that she —

H. believes that she is a better long jumper than she actually is



The dialogue between Teresa and her mother after the tryout indicates that her mother —

J. wants Teresa to be honest with herself about her skill as a long jumper



Which idea does the author emphasize throughout the selection?

G. The technology for speech-recognition systems is constantly improving.


#18. Which of the following BEST corrects the error in sentence 3 but does not change the meaning of the original sentence ?

(3) This rise in cities' steel supplies would not have occurred. Without the work of Henry Bessemer.

F. This rise in cities' steel supplies would not have occurred, without the work of Henry Bessemer.


#14. Read the following dictionary entry.

elementary /ˌeləˈment(ə)ri/ adj.

1. relating to the first years of school

2. pertaining to the four elements, earth, water, air, and fire 3. very simple, not very advanced 4. relating to a sub-atomic particle

Which definition best matches the way the word elementary is used in paragraph 6.

H. Definition 3



Coach Wilson calls Teresa’s mother before the tryout most likely to —

A - inform her that Teresa’s tryout is probably going to be unsuccessful



 Teresa's thoughts, words, and actions in paragraphs 12-25 reveal that Teresa--

D. has reevaluated her talent as a long jumper.


#19. Which of the following BEST corrects the error in sentence 5 but does not change the meaning of the original sentence ?

(5) Before Bessemer’s invention. Steel was costly to make, so most businesses relied upon iron.

B. Before Bessemer’s invention, steel was costly to make, so most businesses relied upon iron.
