Complete/Incomplete Sentences
Run-on Sentences
Vowel-Consonant-e(VCe) Syllable Pattern
Vowel Teams

What makes a sentence complete?
a. It has a subject and a predicate
b. It's very long
c. It has difficult words
d. It ends with an exclamation point

a. It has a subject and a predicate


What is a run-on sentence?
a. A very long sentence
b. A sentence with too many big words
c. Two complete thoughts joined incorrectly
d. A sentence about running

c. Two complete thoughts joined incorrectly


 What is a simile?
a. A type of fruit
b. A comparison using "like" or "as"
c. A funny joke
d. A kind of animal

b. A comparison using "like" or "as"


In the VCe pattern, is the 'e' pronounced or silent?
a. It is silent
b. It is pronounced

a. It is silent


What is a vowel team?
a. Consonant and a vowel or another consonant that work together to make one sound
b. Vowel and a consonant or another vowel that work together to make one sound
c. A group of three vowels
d. A silent letter at the end of a word

b. Vowel and a consonant or another vowel that work together to make one sound


Which sentence is complete?
a. Walking to school every day
b. The big, red balloon
c. My sister plays soccer
d. Before the movie started

c. My sister plays soccer


Which of the following is a run-on sentence?
a. The cat meowed loudly.
b. I like pizza and ice cream.
c. We went to the park it was sunny outside.
d. The dog barked at the mailman.

c. We went to the park it was sunny outside.


Which of these is an example of a simile?
a. The tree is tall
b. The cat meowed loudly
c. She runs as fast as the wind
d. The boy laughed

c. She runs as fast as the wind


Which word follows the VCe syllable pattern?
a. book
b. cake
c. tree
d. fish

b. cake


 Which word contains a vowel team?
a. Cat
b. Dog
c. Meat
d. Frog

c. Meat


Which is an example of an incomplete sentence?
a. The sun shines brightly
b. Birds chirp in the morning
c. Because it was raining
d. She loves to read books

c. Because it was raining


Choose the run-on sentence:
a. The boy played soccer.
b. She likes to read books about animals.
c. We went to the store we bought milk.
d. The flowers are blooming in the garden.

c. We went to the store we bought milk.


In the simile "The baby is as cute as a button," what is being compared?
a. The baby and cuteness
b. The baby and a button
c. Cuteness and a button
d. The baby's clothes and a button

b. The baby and a button


Which word does NOT follow the VCe pattern?
a. hope
b. time
c. ball
d. cute

c. ball


In the word "boat," what sound does the vowel team "oa" make?
a. Short o sound
b. Long a sound
c. Long o sound
d. Short u sound

c. Long o sound


What is missing from this incomplete sentence: "The boy his homework"?
a. A subject
b. An object
c. A verb
d. A preposition

c. A verb


Which sentence is NOT a run-on?
a. I woke up late I missed the bus.
b. The movie was boring we left early.
c. She studied hard, so she passed the test.
d. He likes apples he doesn't like oranges.

c. She studied hard, so she passed the test.


Which sentence contains a metaphor?
a. The car is as fast as lightning
b. Her voice is music to my ears
c. The cat meowed loudly
d. I love eating ice cream

b. Her voice is music to my ears


In the VCe pattern, what does the 'e' at the end of a word do?
a. It is always pronounced
b. It changes the vowel sound
c. It changes the consonant sound
d. It adds an extra syllable

b. It changes the vowel sound


What is the purpose of using vowel teams in words?
a. To make words longer
b. To create new consonant sounds
c. To represent sounds that single vowels can't make alone
d. To confuse readers

c. To represent sounds that single vowels can't make alone


What do all complete sentences need?
a. A noun and an adjective
b. A subject and a verb
c. An object and a preposition
d. An adverb and a conjunction

b. A subject and a verb


Which sentence is correct?
a. I love chocolate cake it's my favorite dessert.
b. I love chocolate cake. It's my favorite dessert.
c. I love chocolate, cake it's my favorite dessert.
d. I love chocolate cake, it's my favorite dessert.

b. I love chocolate cake. It's my favorite dessert.


Which of these is NOT a metaphor?
a. The classroom was a zoo
b. Time is money
c. The stars are twinkling lights
d. The dog is furry and brown

d. The dog is furry and brown


In the word "hope," what sound does the 'o' make?
a. Short 'o' sound
b. Long 'o' sound
c. Short 'u' sound
d. Long 'u' sound

b. Long 'o' sound


What sound does the vowel team "ee" usually make?
a. Short "e" sound
b. Long "e" sound
c. Long "a" sound
d. Short "i" sound

b. Long "e" sound
