Known as the "fight or flight" gland:
What is adrenal gland?
Increased independence is an example of this type of developmental change during adolescence (think about one of the components of health):
What is social health?
The egg travels through the fallopian tube from:
What is the ovary?
One embryo splits into 2 separate parts:
What is identical twins?
Chestnut sized gland:
What is prostate gland?
Name the function of the pancreas:
What is digestion and blood sugar regulation?
List 2 physical changes during female adolescence:
What is menstrual cycle, increased in body fat, ovulation & breast development?
Testes help with 2 types of production:
What is sperm & male hormone production?
The amount of chromosomes in a human is:
What is 46 chromosomes?
Long tube connecting the testes to the urethra:
What is vas deferens?
This is the smallest gland of the endocrine system:
What is the parathyroid gland?
List 2 physical changes during male adolescence:
What is voice deepens, shoulders broaden, facial hair & increase in muscle mass?
When an egg cell is released from an ovary, it is called:
This gives the fetus (baby) oxygen and nutrients:
What is umbilical cord?
What is true?
The major function(s) of the pituitary gland is:
What is regulating growth and controlling other glands?
Mood swings, peer approval/acceptance, & attraction to others are examples of this type of component of health/change in adolescence:
What is emotional health?
When an egg and a sperm join together, it is called:
What is fertilization?
Tell me how fraternal twins develop:
What is separate egg cells each fertilize by a separate sperm cell?
The time period/stage of life between childhood and adulthood:
What is adolescence?
This gland regulates the metabolism:
What is thyroid gland?
List 3 examples of emotional changes during adolescence:
What is peer approval, mood swings, & attraction to others beyond friendships?
Sperm is stored here:
What is epididymis?
The ovaries and testes make _________ and produce ____________ cells:
What is hormones & reproductive cells?
Practicing good hygiene, getting regular medical check ups, & refraining from sexual activity is showing care for this body system:
What is reproductive system?