Causes & Consequences
Home Front
Canada in the trenches
Turning points
Historical thinking

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand, archduke of THIS EMPIRE, in 1914 was the immediate cause of World War I.

What is the Austro-Hungarian Empire?

Conscription was a divisive measure that polarized provinces, ethnic groups, and families. Despite this, conscripts played a critical role in winning the war. 

The most violent opposition occurred in this province, where the threat of conscription sparked a riot after police detained a French-Canadian man who had failed to present his draft exemption papers.

What is Quebec?


General Sir Arthur Currie was against this battle. He predicted the Canadian Corps would suffer 16,000 casualties. This prediction proved accurate, with 15,654 Canadians killed or wounded in a battle fought in deep mud.

What is the Battle of Passchendaele?


In the Zimmermann Telegram, the Germans proposed to this country, then hostile to the United States, an alliance and aid fro the reconquest of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.

What is Mexico?


The need to gain an advantage over the enemy during World War I led to rapid technological advances including airplanes, machine guns, chemical weapons, and these clanking behemoths, first used in the Battle of the Somme in 1916.

What are tanks?


The expansion of European nations as empires (also known as this) can be seen as a MAIN cause of World War I, because as countries like Britain and France expanded their empires, it resulted in increased tensions among European countries.

What is imperialism?


No. They were not hostile visitors from another planet. Still, the War Measures Act was used to intern these people who were from countries, or had roots in countries, that were at war with Canada. 

They were given this otherworldly name.

What are enemy aliens?


Despite facing racism throughout the war, the men of No. 2 Construction Battalion showed dedication and sacrifice towards their country. The battalion was raised in THIS Canadian province.

What is Nova Scotia?


This was the name given to a series of attacks made by the Canadian Corps between 8 August and 11 November 1918. This was due to the role that the Canadian Corps repeatedly played as a spearhead during attacks.

What is Canada's Hundred Days?


As opposed to the secondary type, the letters, documents, records, diaries, drawings, newspaper accounts and other bits and pieces left behind by those who have passed on are treasures to the historian. These types of sources can give up the secrets of life in the past.

What are primary sources?


The Dreadnought was a battleship that helped fuel the naval arms race between Britain and Germany, which was a major contributing factor to World War I. The Dreadnought was a symbol of one of this MAIN cause of WWI. 

What is militarism?


During World War I, over 30,000 women worked in munitions factories in Canada. This was due to a shortage of male workers who had joined the military. 

It was dangerous work. Workers whose skin had turned yellow from handling high explosives were nicknamed these colourful birds.

What are canaries?


Fought from 9 to 12 April 1917, this battle saw the Canadian Corps fighting together for the first time. It became Canada’s most celebrated military victory – an often-mythologized symbol of the birth of Canadian national pride and awareness.

What is Vimy Ridge?


The sinking of this passenger ship contributed to the United States' entry into the war - and led to the deaths of 1,195 people. 

What is the Lusitania?


World War I led to many social changes, including increased rights for women. In 1918, some women gained the right to do THIS political act.

What is vote?


The Triple Entente was an alliance between Great Britain, France, and this Slavic country during World War I. The three countries formed the core of the Allied Powers. 

What is Russia?


The massive explosion that occurred on December 6, 1917 when two ships collided in this city's harbour was one of the largest human-made explosions before the atomic bomb.

What is Halifax?


During this battle, Canadian troops experienced the first large-scale poison gas attack in modern history.

What is Ypres?


This separate peace treaty between Soviet Russia and the Central Powers granted the Germans a significant victory and resulted in Russia exiting the war and breaking ties with the Allied Powers.

What is the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?


The First World War brought about the collapse of four multinational empires. Name them:

What are the Russian empire in 1917, and then the Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, and German empires in 1918. They collapsed in defeat and revolution.

Prime Minister Robert Borden persuaded the British to let Canada and the other dominions get a place at the 1919 Versailles Peace Conference and a seat in the new international organization the __________. It was a predecessor to the United Nations.

What is the League of Nations?


Government used THIS kind of communication - especially in poster form - in order to justify their involvement in the war, recruit soldiers, raise money, and encourage people to conserve resources  on the home front. 

What is propaganda?


He was the most highly decorated Indigenous soldier in Canadian military history and the most effective sniper of the First World War. Three times awarded the Military Medal and seriously wounded, he was an expert marksman and scout, credited with killing 378 Germans and capturing 300 more.

Who is Francis Pegahmagabow?


This man's influence over the Russian royal family and his scandalous reputation contributed to the Russian Revolution of 1917. 

Prince Yussupov, the nephew of the Tsar, hatched a plot to poison him with cakes and wine 'laced with enough cyanide to kill several men instantly'. He ate the poison, but the cyanide had no apparent effect and the monk died only after being shot and beaten, and then drowned in a frozen river.

Who is Grigori Rasputin?


Many new countries were created after World War I. Name four:

What are Austria, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Estonia, Lithuania, and Turkey.
