Main Idea
Supporting Details
Annotating Skills
Making Inferences

What is the definition of a main idea?

A main idea is what a passage is primarily (or mainly) about.


What is a supporting detail?

Supporting details reveal more information (so they say more) about the main idea.


What are annotating skills?

The skills that allow us to mark-up a text so that we analyze that text to understand it better.


What is visualization?

Using the words to create a picture in one's mind using their imagination.


What is an inference?

An inference is an educated guess into what is going on.


True or False:

A main idea is always located in a topic sentence.


While a main idea is sometimes located in the topic sentence, it is not always. 

It is more likely to be located in a topic sentence for a nonfiction passage (nonfiction is writing about real events).


True or False:

When reading, supporting details are found in the text.



When using annotating skills, what is the symbol you put next to words in which you have a question about?

A question mark '?'


True or False:

When visualizing you can either picture yourself watching the story like it's a movie, or you can picture yourself in the story, in a character's shoes.

The answer is true!

Either one is okay!


Infer what is happening in this picture:

The kid doesn't want to eat vegetables.


What is the main idea of this passage?

Dolphins are mammals that live in the ocean. Mammals are different than fish, reptiles or birds. As a mammal, dolphins breathe oxygen, even though they live in water. Because they are mammals, a dolphin mother gives birth to a live baby, unlike reptiles and birds who lay eggs. A dolphin mother also feeds her baby milk like other mammals. 

Dolphins are mammals that live in the ocean.


True or False:

If the main idea is "we do stations in Reading class" a supporting detail for that main idea is "silent reading is one station we do in Reading class".


That explains more about the main idea so it is a supporting detail.


True or False:

You should circle unfamiliar words when annotating.


Circle unfamiliar words.


Why is visualizing a story a useful tactic?

It helps you understand what is going on in the story better.

It keeps you invested in the story.

It helps make reading fun!


Infer what is happening in this picture:

The guy is checking out a girl. He is most likely in a relationship with the girl on our right, so she is offended and upset.


What is the main idea of this passage?

Today was the best day ever. Madison was going to get a haircut after school. She went to the salon where she met her hairstylist, Danielle. She chose a red dye because it was so different from her blonde hair. Then the hairstylist wrapped her hair and they waited. When her hair was unwrapped and washed, she saw herself and loved the shiny red color!

Madison was going to get a haircut after school (and dyed) or Madison got her hair cut and dyed.


Give me a supporting detail for the main idea:

"Halloween is a spooky holiday!"

There are a number of options and the instructor will decide if the group is correct or incorrect.


Before annotating, it is a good idea to read all of the questions that you will have to answer ___________ reading the passage.


When you do this, you know what to look for when reading/marking-up the passage.


What is a sensory detail?

A detail in the text that appeals to one of our five senses.


What two things do you combine to make an inference?

You combine clues from the text with your own knowledge to make an inference.


What is the main idea of this passage?

" 'Greaser' didn't have anything to do with it. My buddy over there wouldn't have done it. Maybe you would have done the same thing, maybe a friend of yours wouldn't have. It's the individual" (Hinton, p. 97).

Something along the lines of...

Ponyboy says that being in a gang (like being a greaser) does not define who you are or the decisions you are going to make.



Say three supporting details for the main idea:

"Going to school is fun!"

There are a number of options and the instructor will say whether the group is correct or incorrect. 


What are you supposed to underline when annotating?

Important details.


Describe five sensory details (one for each sense) when visualizing yourself in this passage.

"In the back, I guess," I hollered, and we started stumbling through the church. I should be scared, I thought with an odd detached feeling, but I'm not. The cinders and embers began falling on us, stinging and smarting like ants. Suddenly, in the red glow and the haze, I remembered wondering what it was like in a burning ember, and I thought: Now I know, it's a red hell. Why aren't I scared? "

Hear: The church burning down. Maybe the kids crying.

Touch: Embers and cinders

Taste: Smoke

Smell: Smoke/fire/burning building

See: The red glow and haze that looks like "a red hell"


Infer what is going on:

Nicole, staring straight ahead, was about to cross the street when a man stopped her. 

"Look out for the traffic, ma'am!" he exclaimed, as he pulled her arm back.

Nicole, adjusting her sunglasses, thanked the man, who picked up the cane she dropped.

It can be inferred that the lady is blind.
