Unit 1.1
What is Physical Science?
Unit 1.2
Scientific Inquiry
Units 1.2 and 1.3 Laboratory Safety
Bible Connection
Unit 1.4

What does physical science involve? What are the branches of physical science?

the study of matter, energy and the changes they undergo.

Chemistry and Physics


What is scientific inquiry?

what scientists use to investigate the natural world by making observations and asking questions, involves a series of steps


What are some examples of a scientific model?

pictures, diagrams, computer images, math equations


Why do we have biblical integration in science?

To be able to see that science and our faith are connected, that God gives us in scripture evidence of things that he has made and done in the world around us. 


What is technology? what are 2 goals?

application or practical use of science

1. meet human needs

2. solve problems


What are the three skills that scientists use to learn about the natural world?

Observation, Inference, and Prediction 


What is the first step of scientific inquiry?

Ask questions (scientific vs non scientific)


What is the difference between a scientific law and a scientific theory? can a theory be changed, if so why?

Laws describe what scientists expect to happen every time 

Theories explain for a wide range of observations/experimental results

Yes, if new evidence becomes available that does not support the theory any longer


What is the scripture verse for Unit 1?

Jeremiah 10:12

What are the 7 steps in order of the technology design process?

Identify a need

Research the problem 

Design a solution 

Build a prototype



Communicate the solution 


How do scientists investigate the natural world?

through science which is the process of exploration of the natural world using observations and logical reasoning skills. 


Scientific Inquiry 


What is the second step of scientific inquiry? what is one requirement in this step (what must it be?)?

Develop a hypothesis, it must be testable, not a fact



What are 3 things that you should do when evaluating scientific information?

determine if information is true

distinguish pseudoscience from real truth 

identify fact from opinion 

implement critical thinking

compare findings to other current scientific knowledge 

evaluate if you agree


Recite the bible verse for this unit.

It is he who made the earth by his power,
who established the world by his wisdom,
and by his understanding stretched out the heavens.


How do society and technology affect each other?

Society and technology evolve together. Technology reflects societal needs and desires while reshaping social norms, economies, and individual behaviors.


What are the 2 types of observations? what is the difference between them?

Qualitative--no numbers or measurements included 

Quantitative--numbers of measurements are used


What is the third step of scientific inquiry? what are the types of variables?

Design a controlled experiment by identifying variables that can change in the experiment

I.V. manipulated variable

D.V. responding variable 

C.V. these variables should be kept the same


What procedures should be followed before, during, and after a lab?

Before--tie back long hair, read directions, ask questions 

During--follow directions, keep station clear, work carefully, no horseplay

After--clean up, turn off electronics, dispose of trash properly, wash hands, return goggles


What is one connection from the verse for this unit to the material that we discussed?

As we study physical science and the ways in which our world works and functions we know that every process was designed ultimately by God in his power, understanding, and wisdom and he gives us the power, understanding and wisdom to be able to do science such as carrying out the scientific method. 


What is a system in terms of technology? what are constraint's? 

the parts of a whole that work together

factors that will limit or restrict the design


What is the difference between an inference? a prediction?

inference--explanation of observations based on reasoning from past knowledge, what you already know from past experience

prediction--making a forecast of future events, what you expect to occur and based on experience and evidence


What is the fourth and fifth steps step of scientific inquiry? why change only one variable at a time?

4. Collect and Interpret data 

5. Draw Conclusions

It would be difficult to conclude which variable caused the results of the dependent variable and results would be inconclusive. 


What should you do if you have a first aid emergency? what if you get something in your eye?

tell instructor 

flush eye with water for 15 minutes


What is the name of unit 1?

Scientific Inquiry, Safety & Technology


What is troubleshooting? what is a tradeoff? 

identifying the cause of problems and finding solutions to fix the problem

exchanging or trading one benefit for another improvement
