The Colonies
The Events that Led to War
The Revolution

These colonies were known for their economy being based on cash crops such as tobacco, indigo, cotton, and rice. 

What are the Southern colonies? 


This economic theory stated that the goods and resources of the colonists were technically the possession of the mother country (Britain) and therefore had to be traded with them. 

What is Mercantilism? 

This idea informed the Declaration of Independence's idea that the people could "alter or abolish" a government that did not protect their rights. 

What is the Social Contract? 


This was the example of self-government found in the Virginia colony. 

What is the Virginia House of Burgesses? 


This is the idea that the British were allowing the colonists to practice self-government. 

What is Salutary Neglect? 


This became the rallying cry of the colonists after the unfair taxes imposed on them with the Stamp Act. 

What is "no taxation without representation?" 


According to Locke, these are mankind's natural rights. 

What is Life, Liberty, and Property? 


This is the idea that the Law is above everyone, including the King and government officials. 

What is the Rule of Law? 


This colony was founded as a safe haven for Quakers and was known for its tolerance toward other religions. 

What is Pennsylvania? 


This was the overall negative effect for the British following the end of the French and Indian War that led to higher taxes for the American colonists. 

What is debt following the war? 


This battle is considered to be the "turning point" of the Revolutionary War as it convinced the French to join the side of the Americans. 

What is the Battle of Saratoga? 


These are the two main reasons that the Northern Colonies were founded and why the Southern colonies were founded. 

What is religious freedom for the Northern colonies and economic gain for the southern colonies? 


This is the idea that the colonists were able to select who they wanted to represent them in their colonial governments such as townhalls and legislative bodies. 

What is Representative Governments? 


This event occurred in March of 1770 and ended with British soldiers firing into a crowd, killing four people. 

What is the Boston Massacre? 


This battle occurred at the end of 1776 and was famous for Washington's crossing of the Delaware River. 

What is the Battle of Trenton? 


This was the second leg of the Triangular Trade and carried African slaves over to the New World. 

What is the Middle Passage? 
