Which principle states the powers of government should be restricted by a system of laws?
Why is political activity important in democracy?
Which two basic principles of government did the Framers incorporate into the US Constitution
What is a limited government and representative government
#1 most stream artist of all time?
Who is Drake
Which is the distinguishing characteristics of a democracy?
What is political authority rests with the people.
Which principle of American representative government ensures the free expression of preferences about leaders?
What is equality in voting
What is Constitutional Republic
Under which system do people start profit-making businesses with limited government oversight?
#1 highest grossing movie in the box office of all time?
What is Avatar
Why is the United States considered Constitutional Republic?
What is people elect a president and represenative who follow the US Consitution.
Which is one effect that partisanship can have on political and civic participation in the United States?
Which defining characteristic establishes a state's authority to govern itself?
What is sovereignty
What is conservatism
What is 27
Which is the role of voters in a constitutional republic?
What is elect people who act for them in government.
It expanded its focus to include social concerns
What is democracy
Where do libertarians lie on the traditional ideological spectrum?
What is to the right of conservatives.
#1 streamed tv show on Netflix of all time?
Which are the three essential purposes of government?
What are resolving conflicts, providing public services, and defending the country
Which political ideology falls to the left of liberalism on the traditional ideological spectrum?
Who serves as the head of state in a republic?
Who is an elected offical.
Which ideology favors government intervention to promote general well-being?
What is liberalism
How many ex boyfriends has Taylor Swift had?
What is 16-17*