Who enforced justice in lawless mining towns?
This tribe was known for their role in resisting U.S. forces at Battle of Little Bighorn
The man who invented the telephone
Alexander Graham Bell
A rich vein of valuable minerals is known as a….
What is the least common M&M color?
Which presidential nominee represented the Populist Party back in 1896
William Jennings Bryan
This tribe is known for their resistance to colonization with Geronimo as one of their leaders
Who were strikebreakers?
Workers hired to replace striking employees and keep businesses running
What discovery attracted people to the West after Reconstruction?
Gold and Silver
What two words were combined to make the word SPAM?
Spiced Ham
Which of the following is true about the role of the Bison?
a) The bison provided meat for food, preserved as jerky to last through winters or long travels
b) The bison continued to thrive after the introduction of railroads
c) The bison were a significant advantage in warfare for Native Americans
d) All of the above is true regarding bison
This tribe is known for their nomadic lifestyle centered around bison hunting
Who is known for their work with the steel industry?
Andrew Carnegie
The brutal attack by U.S. soldiers on a peaceful Cheyenne and Arapho village in Colorado is known as the…
Sand Creek Massacre
What was the first food eaten in space?
Apple Sauce
What did the Sherman Antitrust Act do?
This tribe is known for fierce warriors who resisted US expansion in Texas and Oklahoma
Who is known for their work with the banking industry
J.P. Morgan
What did the Dawes Act do?
It divided Native American tribal lands into individual plots for private ownership
How much does the average Thanksgiving turkey weigh?
Closest WITHOUT going over. (hint: lbs)
15 lbs
Why did businesses form trusts?
To control prices
To eliminate competition
Chief Joseph
Who were powerful industrialists who amassed great wealth?
Robber Barons
Why was the moving assembly line so beneficial to businesses?
Factories were able to produce large numbers of items QUICKER and CHEAPER
What are the two most popular spices in the world? (hint: one is a condiment)