Popular People
Freedom of the People & Press
What About Rights?

This man worked to achieve clear political goals that directedly effected social change. He was a president who made a significant impact in the United States through his lobbying of Civil Rights. 

Lyndon B. Johnson


What is the First Amendment Right?

It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for grievances.


List at least three rights protected by the constitution that all people have under the law.

1. Equality for men and women,

2. Freedom of speech and to assemble.

3. Freedom of religion.


What is a Civic responsibility?

A responsibility that a citizen has such as voting, paying taxes, or serving their community on a jury.


This individual served in the Texas State Senate, was an African American woman, and eventually served in the U.S. Congress.

Barbara Jordon


What is the most important reason that we have the 1st Amendment Rights of freedom of the press?

A free press monitors government actions for corruption and mismanagement.


What was the overall goal of LULAC?

Support the rights of Spanish-speaking people.


James Farmer Jr. was a leader of the Committee of Racial Equality who fought to end segregation. He lead nonviolent actions across the U.S. beginning in Washington D.C. which were known as?

Freedom Rides


This man was the first Hispanic to a statewide office and served as a judge in the state of Texas.

Henry B. Gonzalez


How did freedom of the press (freedom to speak) help advance the Civil Rights Movement?

It informed the public about issues and events related to the movement.


Hector P. Garcia founded the American G.I. Forum, which further expanded rights and liberties for what group of people? 

Hispanic Americans


A journalist, business leader, and public servant, she formed and led the Women’s Army Corps (WAC) during the Second World War. She was appointed the first secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare — the second woman to hold a cabinet post.

Oveta Culp Hobby
