What is 3 (signed correctly)
Nick has been studying music theory his whole life. This is what is knowledge level would be.
What is, being well informed?
What is, state signed correctly?
The sign you would use when you want to stay in bed instead of going to the Gay 90s.
What is, to cancel?
What is 9 minutes (signed correctly)
The sign you would use if you dropped your croissant.
What is, clumsy?
The boy's reaction?
What is, an embarrassed reaction upon realizing others have witnessed your predicament?
What is, Wisconsin signed correctly?
What is Monday?
10 Weeks
A girl from New York City has just been asked to sheer a sheep. This is the sign she would probably use in response.
What is, lacking knowledge or awareness?
The reaction of the people in the background.
What is, a puzzled reaction; uncertain of what’s going on?
What is, Alaska?
For films of 2005 through 2012, he received nominations for Best Picture, Director, Writing, and Acting.
Who is George Clooney?
12 Hours and 15 Minutes
What is 12 hours and 15 minutes (signed correctly)
Adelaide was able to go up on pointe a year before all of her ballet classmates. The sign her classmates would use to describe her dance skills.
What is, unusually good/talented?
The attitude of the blonde woman in the video.
What is, an angry or furious reaction?
What is, the sign for Montana?
I'm not mad, I'm just...
What is, disappointed?
6:04pm on Wednesday
What is Wednesday, 6:04pm (signed correctly)
Jeff never learned how to drive! The sign would Jeff use, if someone asked him for a ride.
What is, can't?
How you're feeling about the girl right now.
What is, a reaction of anxious uneasiness or worry; to be disturbed or upset?
What is Maine?
This nation joined the Warsaw Pact in 1955 and NATO in 2009, and was alphabetically first in each.
What is Albania?