Foundations of US Government (Unit 1 Review)
Structure of American Government
History of American Government
Founding Documents
Mystery Box

These are the two ancient civilizations that America's government is based on.

What is ancient Greece and ancient Rome?

Double/Nothing, What government did EACH have?


These are the three BRANCHES that correspond with Articles I, II, and III 

I - Legislative

II - Executive

III - Judicial

*BONUS* + 100 points: What is the legislative branch called on the Federal level?


This is the name of the first government of the United States, during and after the Revolutionary War.

What is the Articles of Confederation?


This is the beginning quote to the Preamble to the Constitution.

What is "We the People?"


Wager however many points you'd like!

This is what the 10th Amendment says...


This man influenced the Declaration of Independence with his ideas about natural rights.

Who is John Locke?

Bonus +50: What are Locke's 3 Natural Rights?


This is one power/responsibility of the Executive branch (President)...

What is commander in chief, enforce and execute law, state of the union. More possible answers.


This was perhaps the greatest weakness of the Articles of Confederation:

What is they couldn't tax/raise money/they could only borrow money

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

This is the name of the document quoted above.

What is the Declaration of Independence?


Name all 5 Principals/Assistant Principals

Who are:
Telese, Belgraves, Manchester, Pierce, LaLonde


Ideas like the social contract, limited government, and Rule of Law all come from THIS time period in Europe.

What is the Enlightenment?


This is one EXPRESSED POWER of Congress, BESIDES writing laws...

What is... regulating trade (commerce), declaring war, maintain the military, printing money, impeachment, approve treaties, advise the president... more possible.


These were the two plans for US Government submitted at the Constitutional Convention

What is the Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan?

*BONUS +100 points per correct team*
Which plan wanted representation by population? 


This is the "Father", or main author, of the Constitution

Who is James Madison


Who won the 2024 Super Bowl?

Who are the Kansas City Chiefs?


This pamphlet was written to convince the American colonists to support revolution against Britain

What is Common Sense?

+100 points: Who was the author of this document?


This is the definition of Federalism

Power is shared between local, state, and federal government.


The U.S. Constitution is the result of many compromises between large and small states. 

Name the compromise that determined how slaves would be counted in the U.S.

What is the 3/5ths Compromise


These newspaper essays were written in support of ratifying (passing) the U.S. Constitution, and supported a strong federal government.

What are the Federalist Papers?

*BONUS +100 points*
Who were the three authors of the Federalist Papers?


These are the names of the last 4 Presidents, IN ORDER.

What is Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush...

For a bonus 100, who was the President before George Bush?


Written in 1215, this ancient document limited the absolute power of the King and created ideas like Rule of Law and Limited Government.

What is the Magna Carta?


This is what the Supremacy Clause says about the Constitution, Federal Law, and State Law.

What is that the Constitution and Federal Laws are supreme/more powerful than state laws.

AND/OR: No law or action can contradict the Constitution


This is the name of the compromise that combined the two plans for government (VA+NJ). It resulted in a Senate based on state equality, and a House of Representatives based on population.

What is the Great Compromise?


These are the three things that all Constitutions do:

What is set up the powers, principles, and procedures of government.


These are the names of the VICE PRESIDENTIAL candidates

Who are J.D. Vance and Tim Walz?
