What does unanimous mean?
in complete agreement
What is legal equality?
the concept that everyone is equal in the eyes of the law
What was the issue and impact of Brown v. Board of Education?
Segregation was banned.
What was the issue and impact of Marbury v. Madison?
Judicial Review
What is an appellate process?
the process of asking a higher court to decide whether a trial was conducted properly
What does internment mean?
the state of being confined as a prisoner, especially for military or political reasons
What is a writ?
A law.
What was the issue and impact of Dred Scott v. Sandford?
Slaves were not considered citizens.
What was the issue and impact of Miranda v. Arizona?
Police must inform arrestees of their rights.
What is civil disobedience?
a peaceful protest to illustrate the refusal to comply with certain laws or injustice
What is a precedent?
a court decision in an earlier case with facts and legal issues similar to those in a case currently before a court
What is judicial review?
the power of the judicial branch to review the actions of the executive and legislative branches and determine whether or not they are unconstitutional; the U.S. Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison established this power
What was the issue and impact of Gideon v. Wainwright?
The state must provide an attorney for poor defendants.
What was the issue and impact of Plessy v. Ferguson?
Segregation was legalized.
What does ex post facto mean?
After the fact; it applies to laws that try to punish actions that occurred before they became a crime.
What is executive privilege?
the belief that the conversations between the president and his aides are confidential
What is a landmark?
an important or unique decision, event, fact, or discovery
What was the issue and impact of Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier?
Schools can limit free speech in some cases.
What was the issue and impact of U.S. v. Nixon?
Executive privilege is limited.
What does habeas corpus mean?
the principle that the government has to provide a cause or reason for holding a person in jail
What is a summary judgement?
a judgment decided by a trial court without that case going to trial
What is self-incrimination?
the right in the 5th Amendment that protects a person from being forced to reveal to the police, prosecutor, judge, or jury any information that might subject him or her to criminal prosecution
What was the issue and impact of In re Gault?
Due Process for Juveniles
What was the issue and impact of Kohl v. U.S.
Eminent Domain
What is an independent judiciary?
the principle that decisions from the courts are fair and impartial and are not influenced by the other branches of government
What is a judicial opinion?
A judgement by the court
What is segregation?
the separation of people, such as segregation based on race
What was the issue and impact of Adderley v. Florida?
Rights can be limited in some cases.
What was the issue and impact of Korematsu v. U.S.?
Rights can be limited for national security reasons.