who took God's people captive
king Nebuchadnezzar
how long were the captives trained before serving king Nebuchadnezzar
three years
how did the words get onto the wall?
a hand wrote them
what kingdom was Ahaz ruler of?
what is the first book of the New Testament?
what city where God's people taken to
how long was Daniel allowed to eat his own diet?
10 days
which king was having the feast?
king Belshazzar
which kingdoms were going to attack King Ahaz?
Israel and Aram
how long did it rain during the great flood of Noah's time?
40 days and 40 nights
how long did God say the exile would last?
70 years
did Daniel obey God?
did the king love God?
which prophet did God send to Ahaz?
who baptized Jesus?
John the Baptist
who was left as king of the kingdom? of Judah
how did Daniel know what foods he was allowed to eat?
God's laws
who was able to tell the king what the words meant?
what nations did Isaiah say was going to destroy Judah as punishment?
Assyria and Egypt
where is God?
God is in all places at all times and is always with his people
whose family did God say the new king would come from?
what were the names of Daniel's three friends?
Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah
what words were written on the wall?
mene, mene, tekel, parsin
whose birth did Isaiah foretell as a promise to Ahaz?
Who went to Nineveh first, Jonah or Nahum?
Jonah (Nahum went about 100 years later)